I’m not hip to the lingo

      • Anyolduser@lemmynsfw.com
        18 days ago

        It is, but teenagers and the emotionally stunted fall into it so they can feel superior.

        It’s basically a diet conspiracy theory. It lets adherents think they’re special and have figured something out that regular people didn’t. That’s a lot more comforting than realizing they’re just regular people because they aren’t mature enough to see obscurity as a good thing.

        • OpenStars@discuss.online
          18 days ago

          If a child sneaks away from home to receive a vaccine and LIVES, despite every action taken by their parents/grandparents generation to attempt to prevent their receiving such “necessary” healthcare provisions… then I am not going to blame the child for being depressed about the very real, very scary, very tragic predicament that they find themselves in.

          Trump almost won, he may win again, and this time he said (there is video evidence of him doing it) that it will be the last time that anyone needs to vote, ever again; or in the UK Brexit has already happened, and there’s no coming back from that, especially as the more time passes - the UK is simply out of the loop now, and falls further so with every year that passes (even if they rejoin now, who will manage to “forget” what happened before? like an abusive husband, they revealed who they are).

          And don’t even get me started on the issue of the kid diddling - a couple years ago a huge scandal involving I think it was thousands of pastors in the southern Baptist organizations across mostly the southern states in the USA, and as always, more than it happening the scandal was the cover-ups afterwards.

          What is wrong with you if you think that their depression is a by-product of their “immaturity”? Unlike the olds who are willing to look the other way as their literal children are being physically raped, and worse yet society itself crumbling apart, with democracy hanging by a subjective thread, they at least are willing to READ SOMETHING - a book, an article, or watch the actual debate where Trump blabbers like a child at how big his crowd sizes are, and how toilets don’t flush as well anymore, etc., then goes off on a tangent about people wanting to eat cats and dogs or whatnot. Plus, has anyone looked outside at the weather in the last month…?

          “gee golly willickers, I sure would like to be moar like Russia, boy-howdy!” /s

          Age isn’t a magic wand that should decide any argument, either pro or con; rather, upholding standards of factual TRUTH should be the goal. imho at least, so sadly I am literally in the minority here, as measured by the electoral college at least. But I will agree with you insofar as it is a fucking tragedy that kids, sometimes literal toddlers, somehow know more than the older generations that have the entirety of the internet to call upon, yet refuses to read anything that doesn’t get pushed onto them by someone with an agenda to do so FaceBook - indeed there is a lot of “immaturity” involved here, though I am not prepared to blame the youths, rather than the olds who quite frankly should have known better, having a lifetime of experience to draw upon but willfully deciding to ignore all of that in favor of “comfort” (yet nonetheless, still willing to go out and perform a vote that will end up killing some of their kids).:-(

            • OpenStars@discuss.online
              18 days ago

              growing “old” is also optional too

              - some people, sadly

              (e.g. Putin, and anyone listening to his propaganda, whether they realize it or not)

                • OpenStars@discuss.online
                  18 days ago

                  I suppose you either get it or you do not - oh well maybe next time we’ll see more eye-to-eye.

                • OpenStars@discuss.online
                  16 days ago

                  Some of the saddest parts of this is how they don’t even see their being racist - “just work harder”, as if someone especially with a black sounding name can easily get even so much as a call-back. Meanwhile little Richard Conner the IIIrd is somehow a VP at daddy/uncle’s company despite being 17 years old and doesn’t know how to spell his own name.

                  It is the human condition to lie to ourselves, but damn that hurts so many, plus humiliates the receivers but is especially damning to the givers… and those collaborators who help force it upon everyone.:-(

          • Cock_Inspecting_Asexual@lemmy.world
            16 days ago

            Dude- I’m depressed as shit. But be loving myself as I am is perhaps the only thing preventing me from killing myself. But I’m still demonstrably depressed and Existential about a lot of things.

            But your ENTIRE RANT screams that You’ve been sitting in front of a PC all fucking day just consuming news; that 9/10 of that news is bad, and you’re doing nothing to change what it is your viewing. This is 100% a “pot calling the kettle black” type moment for you and me cus I do the exact same shit. I bedrot ALLLLLL day. The difference between you and me is that I’m capable of recognizing that “Hey- maybe doom scrolling about all these pedophiles coming out isnt a good idea and I should go walk my dog.”

            I did the same thing once I realized just how chronically addicted to twitter I’d become. So to fix that, I got myself banned for 6 days. Cant get addicted to twitter anymore if im banned!

            Truth gets you fucking nowhere if your constantly indulging in shit that makes you miserable. It’s like being a child and forcing yourself to work an Office job, why the fuck would you do that to yourself.

            I’m telling you RIGHT FUCKING NOW. PLEASE. Go outside and talk to IRL people about things. The world you’re in right now, the one that is around you; that you have some control over; is not as god awful as it seems. Even the fucking Conservatives or the assholes I meet aren’t that damn bad to deal with, why? Cus it’s real life lmfao, I kill em with kindness. Stop revolving your life around shit you deadass cant control dude let alone fix- I tell this to a friend of mine who keeps fucking obsessing over all the dead babies in Hamas. THERES NOTHING YOU CAN DO TO FIX THIS DIRECTLY SO STOP DELVING SO DEEPLY INTO THIS. Wanna know what I do? Feign ignorance of the subject, and when it comes time, I donate or just vote for the good guys that can fix it for me. I’m not about to hyper-obsess about things I cant personally do anything about, if it bothers me that much then I’ll just be the change I want to see.

            Sitting on my ass all day and Doom-crying about political issues and death and pedophiles does fuckall to help anyone. I’d rather do shit (influencer/youtuber/content creator) that can either make other people happy, inform people in a way that actually incites some kind of positive action, or just things to make myself happy.

            If you’re really that engrossed in Doomer Ideology then peep this: If the world fucking burns, so be it. But Ima keep doin the shit that makes me happy.

            • OpenStars@discuss.online
              16 days ago

              I’m not into it nearly as deep as you are saying - don’t worry. I did get a bit triggered, bc basically it sounds like a parent smacking their child, then getting mad that when they go to smack them again, they shy away. It’s abusive, and demeaning, and toxic AF. And then after all that, to blame the victim, as if they were the ones in the wrong, fuck yeah it bothers me to read that.

              There’s hope in the world - please don’t kill yourself, and yes going outside can help. Maybe leaving the toxic situation can help as well, but also there’s a time & a place for such, e.g. a toddler cannot no matter how much they may want to. In any case, a journey of a thousand miles does not begin with a single step, but rather with figuring out where you need to go, and then a route from here to there.

              A perfect example is Biden stepping down. He may have wanted to have been President so very bad… but it would have hurt us all if he tried and failed, so I respect him so very much for his willingness to be honest about the situation. Toxic negativity is wrong, but so too is toxic positivity as well. Honesty and realism are better goals to shoot for - and he was willing to consider that, if not at first then at least eventually. And now, as a result, there’s real hope for the next election. More so than there was at any rate.

              But also, not all of life is sunshine and rainbows, so if someone were to be a bit depressed, then yeah you gotta fight it - bc what other choice do we have, you know? as you said - but also, I’m not going to blame someone for seeing depressing things and then being depressed. That’s the identical same thought process as blaming someone for being born poor, or like black or a woman (or man) or something - it’s not something you can simply decide to become, but at least when it first happens it is something done to you, the circumstances I mean.

              TLDR: I was triggered by what looked like victim blaming mentality, bc it’s so extremely fucking toxic.

      • Carrolade@lemmy.world
        18 days ago

        Yeah, not particularly fun, either. Would be very convenient if you were looking for an excuse to never bother with anything though.

      • doggle@lemmy.dbzer0.com
        18 days ago

        Yeah, it’s a pretty deep pit of depression. I suspect most people who consider themselves blackpilled are clinically depressed. Not at all useful. But then again, neither is being judgmental of them.

        • Cock_Inspecting_Asexual@lemmy.world
          16 days ago

          I find it justified to judge others, particularly a group of people, that promote/spread depression/suicidal Ideology and rhetoric. I’ve found a couple of subreddits and forums like that, of other depressed people encouraging other depressed people to either Kill themselves or self-harm or that there is no hope. They all wallow in this pit of sorrow with not a single source of actual help or advice. On occasions where I DO try to offer help, I’m banned or muted (hotline, articles, other resources). It’s fucking sick, and I don’t give a shit if they suffer from Depression. I wouldn’t care if they were suffering from anything else. Creating a community that is known for encouraging really fucking harmful thinking is degenerative behavior. I have delt with “those kinds” of depressed people. 9/10 their mission is to make everyone around them just as miserable as they are. Fuck that. Im sick n sad enough as is why the hell would I wanna genuinely put that on someone else.

  • ContrarianTrail@lemm.ee
    18 days ago

    These terms are usually used when talking about the dating scene and they originate from the movie Matrix where taking the blue pill means you’ll stay blissfully ignorant where as red pill means seeing the harsh reality of the world. In dating contex this usually means the idea that women only want rich and high status men who are over 6 feet tall, muscular and have a huge dick and if you want a quality mate you need to achieve these things one way or another.

    Black pill just takes this one step further. It’s basically like going from determinism to fatalism meaning that since you didn’t win the genetic lottery there’s nothing you can do about it so just accept the fact that this is going to be your life untill you die.

      • ContrarianTrail@lemm.ee
        18 days ago

        Well not really. Those are different things. Black pill is about how you think, while incel is about what you are.

          • ContrarianTrail@lemm.ee
            18 days ago

            Depends on which definition you go by, I guess. I prefer the literal meaning of the word; involuntary celibate. A person who is celibate against their own will.

              • ContrarianTrail@lemm.ee
                18 days ago

                I think you’re being a bit unfair there. These attitudes often stem from their inability to form relationships. The struggle came first, and the resentment followed. They aren’t without sex and relationships because they’re inherently hateful people; rather, the hatred emerges from prolonged frustration and rejection.

                In most cases, I believe the inability to get into relationships is less about character and more about factors like social awkwardness, lack of friends, poor hygiene, unfortunate genetics, spending too much time online or gaming, etc.

                • WolfLink@sh.itjust.works
                  18 days ago

                  is less about character and more about factors like social awkwardness, lack of friends, poor hygiene, unfortunate genetics, spending too much time online or gaming, etc

                  The struggle to form relationships comes from issues like what you mentioned here, which are mostly things that are a part of your character. The incel logic is circular.

                • snooggums@lemmy.world
                  17 days ago

                  These attitudes often stem from their inability to form relationships.

                  Because of how they think making them have awful personalities.

            • snooggums@lemmy.world
              18 days ago

              Nobody is celibate against their will. They might have difficulty getting into relationships, but they are also choosing not to use the services of sex workers.

          • WhyFlip@lemmy.world
            18 days ago

            The term, “involuntarily celibate” is not about how someone thinks, hence the “involuntary” portion of the phrase.

        • Asidonhopo@lemmy.world
          18 days ago

          Arguably blackpilled folks are less problematic than incels since they have given up looking and perhaps developed a better attitude toward women (paradoxically) while incels hold a shred of toxic hope that their tradwife will swoop in and save them and that hope eats them alive. Note: I am not a scholar of either community’s worldview

          • mynameisigglepiggle@lemmy.world
            17 days ago

            I had only just learned the term but I’m probably a black pill, and it’s different.

            My wife and I are having trouble, and divorce is on the table.

            When she asked about what am I going to do? I said I don’t intend to ever get into another relationship. Apparently that was more hurtful than trying to replace her… Go figure.

            I’ve had enough relationships in my time to know they are all pretty much the same, and I think I will be better off just not with anyone else. I’m sure my patterns play into these dynamics, but I try my best to be a good partner and I think I’m just better spending that energy on supporting myself in the time I have left.

            I have kids and don’t want to put any pressure on them (IE I’m careful that I don’t want them to be my emotional support), but hopefully that will allow me to feel enough connection as I descend into hermithood.

    • cobysev@lemmy.world
      18 days ago

      The common lingo originated from the movie The Matrix, where Neo was given the choice of taking the red pill and waking up in the real world, or taking the blue pill and staying in the fake fantasy that was his life.

      4chan adopted the term and started calling themselves “redpilled,” claiming that they were removed from the happy fantasy promoted in popular culture (wife, kids, decent job, etc.) and could see life for the harsh, cruel reality it truly was.

      The mindset spread to Reddit where a community popped up (r/theRedPill), espousing sexual strategies for men in a society where they felt sex was highly unattainable for their gender. It turned into a very misogynistic subreddit, hating on women who “could get laid anytime” and didn’t respect the plight of men who struggled for simple affection from the opposite gender.

      Being “redpilled” took on a negative connotation, turning into a darker, conservative term to support men’s struggles in life while at the same putting down women. Its original meaning has been corrupted into a warped idealism for men. One could argue it’s promoting the opposite of its origin; fighting to create a fantasy world for men to flourish without effort instead of introducing them to the reality that their struggles are all self-inflicted and needed hard work, patience, and determination to overcome.

      The term became well enough recognized that “_____-pilled” started introducing other concepts of being introduced to harsh truths in the world. In this case, blackpilled, meaning to give in to despair and depression in an uncaring, cruel world.

      • DarkThoughts@fedia.io
        17 days ago

        Because incels are the cause of their own suffering, circlejerking each other into the delusion that it must be their outsides that are the reason they cannot find a girl, instead of acknowledging that they’re deeply fucked personalities and delusional views are the actual reasons why everyone hates them.

      • Wanderer@lemm.ee
        17 days ago

        The view is anyone that can’t get sex is worthless. It’s a harsh truth that people don’t like to admit.

        People love to use the fact that people aren’t get sex against them.

        The whole treatment of incels seems hypocritical to me tbh. Like they make some good points. But society can’t accept nuance, they can’t accept that someone that don’t like might be right about something’s.