• jpreston2005@lemmy.world
    13 days ago

    I hate this. When I was first hired, I really poured in a lot of effort. I took on extra projects, did extra work, trying to get ahead. But every extra project I completed would get sent to a supervisor and manager, they would absolutely wreck it asking for changes that made little to no difference, but took a lot of time to implement. And then they would just… keep requesting additional changes. for months. back and forth and back and forth.

    I got so sick of it, I don’t volunteer for fucking anything anymore. Oh, you want my input on this document you’ve changed as it affects how I do my job? Like I give a shit. Whatever I say will just get garbled and edited and ultimately you’ll just do whatever the fuck you want anyway so… No. I won’t suggest any edits or redline your document. I don’t care anymore. Just tell me what to do and I’ll do it till my shift ends.

    Just a bunch of middle managers who all want to look at fancy spreadsheets so they can appear to know what’s happening on the manufacturing floor instead of, ya know, actually going down to the floor. Then they all can pretend to know what’s going on to their higher up, who is in turn using that to pretend to know what’s going on to their higher up, each one knowing less and less, until you get to the CEO or Site head that knows absolutely fuck all about what’s going on, with even less of a clue on how to influence it, all because they don’t want to actually visit the floor or talk to the poors running their machines.

    I went from running my own business to this garbage, and although the steady middle class paycheck is nice, I regret it every day.

    • Cryophilia@lemmy.world
      12 days ago

      I’m so lucky with my job. Whenever I see something that needs improving, my bosses are behind me 100% and I get loads of support. We just don’t have enough people, is the only problem, because the company refuses to hire more. We have the support but not the manpower.