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Cake day: July 5th, 2023


  • Another question targeted two students who got in trouble for sleeping in class, again asking students to speculate about what would happen if these students were to have children.

    “Here at the wonderful school of LBHS, we have certain students who love to sleep in class. I even see students fall asleep during exams! Can you believe that?! I don’t like it when students sleep in class… it’s rude! So, WAKE THE #$%K UP! Well, through much study, I have concluded that the gene for falling asleep is dominant. Not only that some students sleep, they snore in class. This too is a dominant trait. What are the possible offspring if you cross a homozygous sleeping, heterozygous snoring student (student name) with a homozygous attentive, non-snoring (student name) student?”

    “(When I saw that) I was like, so it’s not like you’re joking about it. You’re being serious about it, because that’s what they really do,” the Allens’ son said. “That’s how I knew he was not playing around.”

    OK so this wasn’t OK, but I get it. On one hand, the majority of the time, I’m a student that appreciates their teachers. I pay attention, I ask questions if I need to, and I don’t interrupt. The people that do have always pissed me off. Especially when I was in college, and I would have loved to see a teacher lay into these types of students who only ever frustrate and distract while everyone else is trying to learn. That being said, I’ve also had bad teachers. In 4th grade, I had a teacher that was a misandrist. She gave favorable treatment and grades to the girls in the class, and would be mean to the boys. It sucked, and every boy complained about her, but nothing was ever done. Thankfully, I only ever had her for that one year, but she did make it miserable.

    All that being said, I’m still planning to run for office someday, and one of my platforms will be to double all teachers pay.

  • My last beach vacation day went a lot like this. I got there, rented a lounge chair, carried the burdensome weight trudging through the shifting sand down to a suitable location away from anyone else. Unfolded said chair confusedly, it had a sun shade attachment that was supposed to, like, hover over your head, but mine kept slipping and just whamming me in the face. Including every time I tried to sit up, it’d get a nice whack to the forehead from the metal rod.

    I tried to read, but the blinding sun made the pages just a tad darker than it’s surface. It was so hot, that it took deliberate effort to calm myself to the point where I wasn’t just sweating, and panting the heat away.

    Took all of about an hour until I was officially “over it.”

  • Went to my pride festival last month. it was 98°F, but within the confines of the pride parade, nestled in the downtown district, surrounded by concrete, it felt like 110°F. The only thing I could accomplish was walking while fanning myself with occasional breaks in the shade. It was so bad, I couldn’t even pause to look at the vendors wares that were set up in unobstructed daylight. It was just too hot to stand and look at anything, I just walked right on by. There was a YMCA building that people would go in, just to stand in the air conditioned lobby for a moment. The doors opened as I walked by and I could feel the glorious chill air rush past me. I would have gone in, but I observed that there were elderly, frail people taking respite from the heat inside, and it didn’t feel right that I (as a young healthy man) should join them.

    Basically, it was so hot that the only thing I could really do, is patiently wait until I hit my limit, and then gtfo. I don’t think I’ll ever want to live in a city again after experiencing this kind of heat.

  • If a company is too big to fail, and the loss of it would have serious ramifications for the country as a whole, then when faced with continued corporate malfeasance, they should NATIONALIZE the company. Oh, is this too important to be left to morons who issue stock buybacks amid layoffs while cutting corners in manufacturing/compliance? Then NATIONALIZE IT.

    Do it with boeing, do it with railroads, and do it with healthcare. I’m sick of these private corporations fucking over all of us repeatedly and NOTHING being done. They’re just left to do it again! No jail time, no consequences that they couldn’t easily afford, NOTHING.

    Boeing CEO’s

    -Thornton Wilson (68-86)

    -Frank Shrontz (86-96)

    -Philip Condit (96-03)

    -Harry Stonecipher (03-05)

    -James McNerney (05-15)

    -Dennis Muilenburg (15-19)

    -Dave Calhoun (20-Present)

  • I initially clicked the link to see if the suspect used a “bump” stock, or AR-15, only to slowly realize, Florence KY is right outside of Covington, just south of Cincinnati, and I have a bunch of family there.

    Gun rights and regulations, the arguments and drama and bullshit, all pale in comparison to the loss of a loved one.

    Guns don’t only do one thing. Sure, they kill people. But they also destroy families. They make kids grow up without fathers, make parents bury their children.

    I hope my loved ones are safe. I wish I didn’t have to worry about my family and I being shot for nothing everyday.

  • These kinds of posts are actively harming our chances of avoiding a fascist take over. Can you not? The convicted felon was just listed even more times on the infamous pedophiles private docs, is there not an article about that you can post? gotta make sure everyone keeps talking about how an old man had an old man moment. An old man that’s helping the IRS go after the 1%, helping the EPA regulate carbon emissions, helping medicare lower drug prices, helping student loan borrowers reduce their burden, helping fucking Ukraine while it defends itself against the soft-launch of WWIII… I’m sure there’s more I’m missing.

    I’ll vote for a corpse over fucking fascism. Biden passing would mean a strong black woman gets put in charge, and however much I disagree with some of her positions, I would take almost any black woman over drumpf. 99% chance of them being 1000x better for working families than the convicted felon pedophile rapist.

  • The defendants in that case were acquitted because the income of money from illicit sources could not be determined, according to a court statement.

    Sounds like the judge did their level best to find some random way to weasel out of doing their job. “Oh, wait, you can’t prove definitively that every single penny of the laundered money was from illegal sources? Guess that means everyone is innocent!”

    It can’t just be me and my perspective. The world is just legitimately getting worse, in almost every respect. WTF.