This isn’t for CEOs. This is for people with more money than sense who are also paranoid as fuck. CEOs can afford to hire security that they can run thorough background checks on.
This isn’t for CEOs. This is for people with more money than sense who are also paranoid as fuck. CEOs can afford to hire security that they can run thorough background checks on.
Trump is telling the truth
Putin is telling the truth
This is all I needed to see to know that you are not a serious person.
You never answered me the other day when I asked you how many human rights organizations you were a member of. Why is that?
Literally one hour old article:
I have said it to people who are in favor of capital punishment over and over again that nothing good comes out of giving a state the power of life and death over its citizens.
Why is he telling the truth but everyone else is lying?
Ford made a bad car? Are you shitting me here?!
Hey, no one could afford healthcare before, now they can’t afford healthcare plus 25%!
Zelensky says it isn’t true, Johnson says it isn’t true, but some other random guy says it and you believe it. That’s pretty sad.
Well I’m sorry, I do not accept that genocide is just a distraction. That’s ludicrous.
You know who else did that? Nations at threat from Nazi invasion in WWII. Do you need to have the why explained to you?
You think hoarding it is better? Really?
“We are not hoarding anything,” they say from the comfort of the antique sofa inside the house which they wholly own.
Pope needs food badly.
Man, I hated figuring out the bilateral pneumonia of the pope in geometry class…
Until the wind blows the other direction.
That’s a very strange reaction to being shown that the link you provided was a lie.
He was sworn in on January 20th. It is not yet a month.
That’s who is going to be hiring them though. People who have no need for such security because they were never in any danger to begin with, but had the money to throw away on this either because they’re paranoid or they want to show off.
CEOs can afford Academi.