Is it like a rough inference of what’s being said based on mouth movements, or is it more precise somehow? Would it be a mistake to think you knew exactly what was said by reading lips (even if you were good at it)?

    11 months ago

    Your experience seems very much like my own. I don’t have hearing loss, but what I assume is an auditory processing issue with speech.

    It’s much easier for me to understand what someone is saying when I can see their mouth and microexpressions. If my back is turned, I don’t always catch everything. Sometimes I keep hearing the “wrong thing” no matter how much I ask for them to repeat it… so I just learned to repeat back whatever non-sensical thing I “heard”; and that either helps me process what they were trying to say, or they will repeat it back slower and more clearly. It’s frustrating sometimes, especially in noisier environments with a lot of other stimulus… that’s when seeing someone’s lips will help the most for me

    And of course, I love subtitles. Otherwise I have to blast the TV, and still will miss things. The subtitles just clarify what I’m pretty sure I heard, or what I missed. I’m not just reading my way through everything, unless it’s in another language… which than does feel like a switch in the way I “see subtitles”