• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • She leaned forward, turned off the monitor, then turned it back on. “I did this 10 times already, and its still not working”.

    And this is why I couldn’t work in IT support; I just don’t have the patience for certain things. I always love teaching people new things, but most people don’t care when it comes to computers; they just want it to work effortlessly even when they’re the one screwing it up.

    And especially working on-site! Oh my life, I bet there’s that same few people… just constantly failing to even try lmao

  • I hear ya, and appreciate the info because I didn’t know that. I was saying that I would do both before calling, and then again when they asked me

    But this was back in like 2004-ish, so I’m not sure what was best practice back then. I would just try it all before calling lol… going so far as to shut down and unplug for a few seconds or more

  • As someone who has been asked to restart the computer, even though I already did that before calling IT support… I internally sigh, but begrudgingly do it again just to appease their process. Because I assume plenty of people don’t do it and make y’alls life a tiny bit harder, when a restart would’ve fixed it

    Also, how many are solved by making sure the power cable is not just plugged into the wall, but seated into the back of the computer as well?

  • I feel like you skipped a few steps in your conclusion, cause having retyped this comment several times now, it does seem logical (though logically evil and morally corrupt; which nobody’s surprised). And I’m not entirely convinced it’s just Netanyahu trying to create a “forever war”

    I was gonna say that it seems more like “blatant genocide” than a “forever war”… and how can a war be “forever” if one side is obliterated?

    But then I thought, “Maybe genocide is just a bonus for Isreal”, while also being a ‘unique’ way to stir-up the concept of “War on terrorism, in the US”. Their “War on drugs” has lost some traction (and also serves a different purpose), but maybe they can put a convoluted spin on the “War on Terrorism”.

    The US is allowing “allies” to commit genocide for the greater good of their own military complex/gain?.. because their current “forever wars” have been experiencing downturns? Maybe it is a “forever war” with genocide as a bonus for Isreal?

    I can’t dispute your statement well, because it doesn’t seem too “off key”. It just feels like you’ve made some logical leaps… or I’m just falling into conspiracy-driven-logic. Idk, but I appreciate giving me something to ponder more closely

  • I once had an encounter that I never considered to be rape… just emotionally/psychologically uncomfortable. Until I was telling someone about it, and then it was like the act of hearing my own words made me realize what happened.

    Thankfully, it wasn’t very detrimental to my psyche… but I still don’t much like talking about it, or really thinking about it. Beacuse it turns out, most people would consider that rape; including me when I looked from the outside-in. Abuse takes many forms. Mine just came in the form of emotional that led to physical, and I didn’t even realize what happened for most of that day.

  • I was about to say that it wouldn’t matter which way was “locked”, because his friend could easily unlock it and see what’s on the other side of that door… like, they’d need to use a keylock to keep their friend from having easy access and seeing what’s behind that door

    Took me several attempts to realize they were locking themselves in the room; for whatever relations to be interpreted. I never claimed to be a smart man

  • Apparently Warner Brother’s (and other’s of the same) can produce and shelve a movie, and use it as a tax write-off. So if my taxes can prop up an industry that has the ability to “conveniently” shelve their works, while recouping a bad investment…why aren’t their shelved movies “public domain”? We kinda paid for them the moment they became a write-off

    If I paint on canvas, and decide to never even try and earn income from it; do I get to recoup my losses in supplies? Or does the “standard deductible” override my loss, and the tax-burden falls back (again) on the working class? Or I’m dumb and don’t understand taxes, so please enlighten me

  • Thank you! I was reading the wiki about the “landing” and could “understand” how a current phone would be vastly more than sufficient. I got lost trying to find how an “ESP32” was designed… and then how processor’s were (normally) designed nowadays… and how it all worked together. I guess I was asking if a single “chip” could include all of those things (CPU, RAM, ROM), or if it was multiple “chips”. An integrated circuit is what I think I was trying to dissect. I’m still curious about the inter-workings, but you cleared a whole lot up for me.

    I really appreciate the breakdown, because I didn’t have the terminology to properly search. I guess it still kinda blows my mind how far it’s all progressed

    Edit: And now I’m learning the difference between “Integrated circuit” and “circuit board”… seems silly in hindsight, but the terminology had me a bit confused. Super cool, nonetheless.

  • So I’m not an IT professional by any means, it’s a hobby. But I’m curious if an ESP32 could land a man on the moon. I searched around a bit and am under the assumption that an ESP32 has a CPU or microprocessor of some sort.

    What I’m trying to figure out is: Would a processor on an ESP32 have RAM and ROM built into the chip. I hope I’m asking the right questions.

    It seems like a processor should have RAM for a cache. But I gave up trying to figure out if it would also have built-in ROM (specifically, an ESP32’s processor)

    Do all CPU’s/microprocessors now have SRAM for a cache? Do all also contain ROM? Or is it separate? I guess an ESP32 does require ROM for it’s firmware, regardless? And (maybe?) SRAM in it’s processor?

    I’m beinginng to think an ESP32 would have the “specs” to land a man on the moon?

    Idk, “how true is your statement” is what I’m trying to figure out (but I lack a lot of the technical knowledge), and now I’m curious. If someone could ELI9, I’d appreciate it

    Edit: I did flash the eeprom on some XBOX TSOP chips in the past. So maybe ROM isn’t part of the CPU, but very near-and-dear. Annnnd I’m in a rabbit hold about the anatomy of CPU’s because of a one sentence comment. Please help

  • MrShankles@reddthat.comtoMemes@lemmy.mlArt of Seduction
    3 months ago

    I wouldn’t say no

    Ya may have read too quickly and missed the double negative. It seems that they would like relations with that bird… if that bird were were a person, and talking dirty botany to them

    Edit: and all of botany is dirt-y, when you get to the root of it… I’ll see myself out now