That wall looks like wood.
Good wood, too, if it can support that weight.
Must be Norwegian.
”She showed me her room,
wall of cast iron pans,
like 40 of them.”
Whoa, I was not aware Lodge did such intricate engraving work in Canada’s honor. They almost look like the designs on coins.
I can’t wait for Lodge to also produce one skillet design for each US State haha. It appeals to both cast iron users, and numismatists. A strange Venn Diagram, no doubt.
You will like this
The very first state I looked for was California, because it would presumably be a large and complex. And it is. But then I scrolled down by one state and saw Colorado. That’s just disappointing lol
All the rectilinear US states make boring skillets, although credit where it’s due, the photos suggest that those skillets are properly accounting for how lines of latitude curve with the Earth. Meaning that the Colorado skillet’s top and bottom sides might actually be curves rather than straight lines. Very interesting. I enjoyed this haha
The amazing thing is they still charge $700 if you want to buy that Colorado. Even Rhode Island is $150…
I’m so disappointed with the placement of the Florida pan’s handle.
If they weren’t going to make a panhandle out of the panhandle, they could have at least put it down at the bottom angling from Biscayne Bay down to Key West.
Very nice, one day I will have something like this
🎵 One of these things is not like the other 🎵
(I’m only slightly jealous)
I am seriously coveting that loon pan.
The black spatula is a nice touch
It’s plastic and to ensure that family members use that instead of metal spatulas on my electric griddle, top left. LOL
I like my silicone ones more. Would that work on an electric griddle? If so, you might want to switch. Might not go as well with the aesthetic though.
Damn that article’s title and headline are so misleading considering the article is about the researchers’ correction.
I thought this was old news that we debunked recently? I’m confused
It’s just not as bad as initially thought
Hmm, I think switching to silicone is a no brainer. Thanks!
OXO makes a black silicone “pancake turner” :^)
Out of cast iron?! Now I want that.
Edit: I’m high! Yes silicon all mine are colorful. I haven’t seen black silicone before. No aesthetic lost 🍲
Is the bear-trap looking thing for waffles?