I started Star Wars Skeleton Crew and have been enjoying it. Then again, I liked Acolyte, so take my recommendation with whatever reservations you feel are needed.
It is so far… absolutely fantastic. Honestly the child actors are sometimes better and more believable than the adults in it too. There’s so much mystery on the edges of everything they’ve shown, definitely has reignited my love for the franchise
I might be late to the party but I’ve been enjoying Bad Monkey this week featuring Vince Vaughn playing a detective. Detective/murder stories aren’t really my jam usually but I found it very charming and funny! The opening scene had me tickled and intrigued.
I watched that show and it was very entertaining. The narrative reaches a fitting conclusion that makes sense within the show’s universe. There is apparently another novel with this same detective as a major character, so there may be potential for a season 2.
I watched one episode of Wednesday and I’m not watching another because it’s complete wank.
Feels like it was was written as something else and then adapted to an Addams Family spin-off by somebody who had never seen the movies but got the license on the cheap.
Finally watching breaking bad. Finished S2 this week.
I went into it blind except for the knowledge that cooking meth was a major part of the show. I chose an interesting time to begin a show with a premise that depends on healthcare denials of life saving treatments.
Dam I’m jealous. Breaking bad is such a good watch.
- Creature Commandos (ongoing) - Liking it so far.
- Black Doves (ongoing) - Excellent.
- The Old Man S1 (ongoing) - Losing interest fast.
- Lioness S2 (finished) - Disappointing. Degraded into a nonsensical and preachy action schlock. None of the intimate emotional suspense was there. It had chances, but wasted them all.
- Final Space S2 (ongoing) - Why did I find this show after its cancellation? So good.
- Arkane S2 (ongoing) - So far, good.
- The Diplomat S2 (ongoing) - So far, good.
I generally only watch one or two episodes per night, so this list won’t change much.
I think I’d like to subscribe to your newsletter. Of the ones I’ve seen I totally agree with you:
Creature Commandos - An excellent show Very James Gunn but in my world that’s a complement. 1x03 really kicks it up a notch. GI robot is one of my new favourite characters “Oh Nazis” made me smile.
Lioness S2 - Total tripe, some of the worst writing (honestly if you told me Donald Trump had done punch up on it I’d believe you) but to be honest I’d watch Zoey and Nicole read the fucking phone book, so I’ll probably check back in if there’s a season 3.
The Diplomat - yeah good that’s about where I’d put it too. Not great but very good.
Arkane - I don’t know? it’s good but god damn it’s bleak. It’s a hard slog to watch so far. But maybe there’s hope in the end?
Silo - I like it, suspenseful mystery sci fi.
Pantheon - Saw first episode. Sci fi cartoon, looks interesting. It managed to keep me watching. :)
Skeleton crew - Star Wars for kids. Slightly ridiculous in that kids show way, but probably amazing for the target audience. Pretty interesting for me.
First episode of Say Nothing. Found it good, interesting. Some tired tropes there, but it overcame them. Silo, and it’s not grabbing me like the first season, unfortunately. The traitors. I’m loving the raw emotion of betrayal and lies with no agenda except winning the money.
Hazbin Hotel
Perry Mason (not sure I’ll continue)
Edit: As an aside, Hazbin Hotel is interesting for showing a character engaging in reformist organizing (appealing to their genocidal oppressor’s empathy and reason) only to see that fail and realizing the necessity of armed struggle. Don’t want to oversell it but that’s literally the arc of the show as of the end of season 1, and I haven’t seen anyone else connecting those dots.
Perry Mason is cool because its about a defense attorney rather than pigs or DAs etc. But I just don’t enjoy procedurals enough anymore lol
under the dome and continuum. not the best but had not seen them before.
Watching through Home Improvement, an old nostalgia trip. Although the whole traditional family thing is much more obvious now as an adult
I finished Doctor Odyssey and am looking forward to the next batch of episodes that are supposed to start in March.
I’ve started High Potential and am enjoying it so far. It’s not high art like The Wire, but it’s entertaining and the protagonist has some similarities to Sherlock Holmes.
Masterchef the Professionals UK. The finale aired yesterday but I will watch it tonight as it aired quite late. I don’t care for the regular MasterChef, but the professionals is great.
This might not be as edgy, but Poppa’s House. I love Damon Wayans, and watching him and Damon Jr go back and forth makes my heart happy.
Critical Role Campaign 1, Star Trek Next Generation, Spongebob Squarepants, and Arcane
Sailor Moon Crystal - Don’t waste your time, just watch the original anime instead
Z Nation - I’m just a few episodes in but it seems cool
Yeah Z Nation is a romp! I don’t what they were smoking in the writer’s room but it was crazy and fun.