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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 13th, 2023


  • I loved TLOU and was totally involved in the storytelling. I’ve never been so emotionally attached to the characters in a game as I was with Joel and Ellie. The real strength was how the writers used the video game’s abilities to change your POV character to really drag you into the story. Right from the tutorial where you start off as Joel’s daughter and by becoming her at the start the twist at the end of the tutorial really hits harder then you expect because you’ve been her. By the end of the game by playing as both characters you really become invested in their relationship and attached they are which makes the roaring rampage of revenge at the end in the hospital somehow totally expected right up to the shoot out in surgery. I mean I was so invested in the relationship that my hands were shaking and I’m ashamed to admit that I shoot the nurses as well.

  • But it is the fact that it will end that gives our life meaning. If we didn’t know that it’ll end our lives would just be an endless loop where because it all happens nothing will matter. As Todd May says “One has a place in the cosmic process of which one’s own existence is a fleeting moment, but a moment nonetheless”

  • A Man on the Inside is much more of a character and story based comedy then Shure’s previous work. It’s a lot less joke dense then The Good Place which was in turn less dense Parks and Rec. I mean I’d expect a comedy about grief, loss, and regaining a purpose to go at a slower pace and I found it lovely and clever, but it definitely not a “Joke Factory”. Your Mileage and all that but I got through the whole series in a day because each episode was sweet and cute, not because I couldn’t stop laughing.

  • I think I’d like to subscribe to your newsletter. Of the ones I’ve seen I totally agree with you:

    Creature Commandos - An excellent show Very James Gunn but in my world that’s a complement. 1x03 really kicks it up a notch. GI robot is one of my new favourite characters “Oh Nazis” made me smile.

    Lioness S2 - Total tripe, some of the worst writing (honestly if you told me Donald Trump had done punch up on it I’d believe you) but to be honest I’d watch Zoey and Nicole read the fucking phone book, so I’ll probably check back in if there’s a season 3.

    The Diplomat - yeah good that’s about where I’d put it too. Not great but very good.

    Arkane - I don’t know? it’s good but god damn it’s bleak. It’s a hard slog to watch so far. But maybe there’s hope in the end?