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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 3rd, 2023


  • I just think it’s been glorified to the point people who have no experience with ghetto culture outside of rap music start acting like they thugs n shit. Like “gangster” shit started happening everywhere with a shitload of people fully embracing not only the visual look but the “hustler” “gangster” lifestyle.

    My perspective on this, is that the chicken came before the egg so to speak.

    Rappers dont glorify these things anymore than metal bands singing about decipitating hundreds of people mean it; all art is fiction, we wont be calling a horror film writer a ‘glorification of violence’, we call it a fantasy, a reflection of reality; these people observe reality and reflect it in art.

    Now, does some rap stray into reality? Sure, so does all art, unless we fully remove the human from art it will always involve a real person.

    Voting for a liberal continues the cycle of underclass exploitation either way, id say the middle class cocaine user and the politican locking up millions of people into small prison cells for drug use has a much bigger hand in creating and perputating the cycle of violence that dominates liberal society in america.

    To accent my point and show how the way you are thinking is a symptom of a moral panic, something that takes a few examples and inflates it into a wider group…

    90% of drill artists banned from making music in the UK dont have a criminal record…85% of those banned without a criminal record are black.

    Its the censoring of the mental production of black youths; the upper class do not want a culture based on anti-authoritianism to emerge.

  • It was a common rhetoric around 2010 in the run up to the Brexit vote. News papers would pump out daily stories about polish rapists and immigrants stealing housing, jobs and women; Polish people got the brunt of it as they where the most visible nationality who would come and fufill jobs working class people here wont do because they are too exploitative.

    I would work on the same farms as the polish people and talk/make friends with them; they got 700 quid a month for 6 days of back breaking labour in strawberry fields, then the farmer would deduct 400 quid a month for renting them a caravan on site they would sleep in 5-6 a peice, with a few people having to sleep on the floor; in total they would send what little money they had, usually 100-200 back to there famalies.

    Understandbly, no one but the poorest locals would do these jobs.