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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: November 13th, 2023


  • That’s not too far off from the truth. Viruses hijack your cells’ machinery to reproduce. Some are choosy about which cells/tissues they target, but some are not.

    Fever, histamine, a whole slew of different immune mechanisms all cooperate to tackle these invaders. In turn, our immune system also provides a lot of strong evolutionary pressure on these bugs, which spurs high mutation rates like we’ve seen with COVID. What I find fascinating is that, over time, a lot of viruses have evolved to take advantage of our habits and behaviors including leaning into our immune response(s). The common cold (rhinovirus) is a good example here as it causes just enough sneezing in social settings to propagate, but is not aggressive enough to kill the host or keep you bedridden. Norovirus is another one, opting to incubate for a bit, then overwhelm the host with a big mess, and finally leaving you feeling a-okay to socialize while still being contagious (in the grossest way possible).

    And the icing on the cake? Some cells survive to incorporate viral DNA into that cell’s genetic code, while still being perfectly healthy. Human DNA is littered with many such encodings, suggesting we all carry the genetic memory of some ancient pandemics.

    Edit: the Anime “Cells at Work” is a very fun romp into this world. Highly recommended.

  • The big lifehack here is to not just buy less stuff, but to pool time and resources with your friends.

    You spend less money if you cook and play together on a regular or semi-regular basis. Restaruants, pubs, movie theaters, sporting events, all ask or require your money to capitalize on your need for socialization. Also, material goods are frequently aimed at the solitary consumer and aren’t really for sharing. Just go around all that nonsense, share/exchange your tools and appliances, host a board-game night, hang out on slack/discord for a few hours, or watch Netflix together.

    Edit: if the above seems out of reach, or even the least bit “bad”, I encourage you to dig deep and ask yourself: why? I get that I’m advocating a far less solitary lifestyle. Maybe that can’t be helped, but it might also just be possible that there’s more at work here. For me, I found that I had internalized biases and habits all pointing at a maximal consumption lifestyle. Our economy (here in the US) is built around this behavior, complete with an advertising arm that aggressively teaches it. So, I really am advocating swimming against the current here. But I can also say that the rewards are worth it if you can.

  • Kinda. From the CVS website:

    Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12, Vitamin B3 (Niacin), Citicoline, Tyrosine, Phenylalanine, Taurine, Malic Acid, Glucuronolactone, Caffeine. Other Ingredients: Purified Water; Natural and Artificial Flavors; Sucralose; Potassium Sorbate, Sodium Benzoate and EDTA.

    So, Caffeine for sure. But the b-complex, and Taurine will also give you a boost, for entirely different reasons. Half this stuff is psuedo-scientific at best, and the rest just filler.