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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 23rd, 2023


  • For those with ADHD having issues pharmacies: I recommend understanding what the rules are for schedule ii medications and print them out to show the pharmacist because a lot of pharmacists do not know what is allowed and what isn’t. Here are the two big ones you need to know of and keep in mind your state laws may supersede them.

    • A pharmacy may partially fill a schedule II prescription if they are unable to fill the full quantity. The remaining portion must be filled within 72 hours from the partial filling. If the remaining portion cannot be filled within 72 hours a new script must be sent in before the remaining portion may be filled. [21 CFR 1306.13(a)] A prescribing practitioner or patient may request a partial filling [21 CFR 1306.13(b)]

    • The transfer for initial dispensing of an electronic prescription for a controlled substance in Schedule II is permissible between retail pharmacies, upon request from the patient, on a one-time basis only. [21 CFR 1306.08(e)] (this means you do NOT have to call to your doctor to have them void your script and send in a new script to a different pharmacy however the script may only be transferred ONCE so you will have to ensure the receiving pharmacy has your medication or else you will have to either wait or get a new script sent in)

  • We are really going to have to wait for the FAA’s investigation because there’s still all sorts of questions about their acquisition process and where exactly was the certificate forged. The big question i have thought was when did spirit discover that the certificates were forged because they are claiming parts manufactured all the way back in 2019 were effected. I believe some suspicion on the side of spirit is warranted because this is the same company that is currently being investigated on claims that they were covering up safety issues. Not to speculate too much but I wouldn’t be surprised if spirit knew the titanium was fraudulent as early as 2019 and are only now doing something about it because they are being investigated for other issues and wanted to control the narrative.

  • The problem is it’s actually is sorta Boeing’s fuck up here. The questionable source titanium was caught at spirit aerospace who manufactures parts for Boeing and airbus. Spirit aerospace was originally a Boeing factory that was spun off into its own company in 2005 in one of Boeing idiodic stock pump schemes. Boeing on paper does not have control over spirit aerospace but all of spirit’s leadership came from Boeing with their CEO having worked for Boeing for 31 years. Boeing also has a lot of pull inside spirit being their largest customer by a significant margin. Boeing is currently in talks of buying back spirit aerospace to fix the mess they got themselves into.

  • wanted to implement something like that with my 1920R UPS for my rack but haven’t found the time to commit to antiquated hardware.

    Was enough of a hassle dealing with the expired SSL certs on the management card yet getting software running on one of my machines to communicate with the UPS.

    Honestly you should just bypass dells management software and use NUT. It supports your UPS’s management card if you enable SNMP or you can bypass it all together and just run off of the USB/serial.

    All things considered my two servers chilling chew around 60w on average, not taking into account my POE cameras or other devices. The UPS should run for over a day without getting close to draining its batteries (have a half populated ebm too).

    I’m pretty surprised I can run my whole network for an hour off of my 1500va UPS with three switches and a handful of POE devices. I’m still thinking about replacing it with a rack mount unit so i can lock it inside my rack as I’ve been having issues with unauthorized people messing with it.

  • if you look at the history of what happened to each Zeppelin airship you get a really good idea why it’s a bad idea.

    LZ1: damaged during initial flight, repaired and flown two more times before investors backed out causing the ship to be sold for scrap.

    LZ2: suffered double engine failure and crashed into a mountain. While anchored to the mountain awaiting repairs a storm destroyed it beyond repair.

    LZ3: built from salvaged parts of LZ2. Severally damaged in storm. After LZ4’s destruction LZ3 was repaired and was accepted by the German military who eventually scrapped it.

    LZ4: suffered from chronic engine failure. While repairing the engines a gust of wind blew the ship free of its mooring and struck a tree causing the ship to ignite and burn to the ground.

    LZ5: destroyed in a storm.

    LZ6: destroyed in its hanger by fire.

    LZ7: destroyed after crashing in a thunderstorm.

    LZ8: destroyed by wind.

    LZ9: this one actually worked and survived for three years before being decommissioned.

    LZ10: caught on fire and destroyed after a gust of wind blew its mooring line into itself.

    LZ11: destroyed while attempting to move the ship into it’s hanger

    LZ12 & LZ13: both flew successful careers before being decommissioned a few years later.

    LZ14: destroyed in a thunderstorm.

    LZ15: destroyed during an emergency landing.

    LZ16: was stolen by the French. ***

    LZ17: decommissioned after the war.

    LZ18: exploded during its test flight.

    LZ19: damaged beyond repair during an emergency landing.

    LZ129: the Hindenburg.

    LZ127: retired and scrapped after flying over a million miles.

    LZ130: flew 30 flights before being dismantled for parts to aid in the war effort

    The problem is with airships and aerostats in general is you need a massive balloon just to lift a small amount of weight but the larger you make it the more susceptible to weather it ends up being. With the amount of surface area a balloon that’s a 1km long has you would have to spend a considerable amount of energy just to stop it from blowing away in the wind, as inefficient as it is the truck may actually use less fuel because of this.

  • Ubiquiti unifi: pretty preformant while being dead simple to set up. No licensing fees but upfront price is steep. If you really get into networking you will find their hardware and software stack limiting especially if you need speeds greater than 25 gigabit.

    Mikrotik: single handedly the best value out there. Their OSes can be confusing at times and you may need some CLI skills to do everything but it’s a good learning platform.

    Opensense: highly flexible where you can tailor your experience to exactly what you need. If you are the type of person who wants all of the bells and whistle along with fine granulated controls this is your option.

    Openwrt: a good choice if you already own a supported device but I personally wouldn’t go out and buy hardware for openwrt when opnsense is a better option.

    Cisco: there are two types of people who buy Cisco, those who are obtaining their CCNA and those who have their CCNA.

    tp-link omada: directly marketed as a ubiquiti unifi competitor but cheaper. Being a new line of products it’s not really time tested. I’ve heard very polarizing opinions on them so your milage may vary.

    meraki: Cisco’s other brand. Sometimes you can get their hardware for free because they make all of their money off of the licensing fees.

  • I object to electrification being used to judge a country’s railway age and quality. A lot of countries transition into electric trains over a century ago especially in Europe and surprisingly the US. I could talk for hours about the US’s history with electric trains and how short sided business practices combined with the government’s attempt to sorta nationalize the rail industry crippled it’s electrification progress. Not to get too far off topic though there’s only three metrics you can really grade the quality and age of a nation’s rail infrastructure with. That is size, volume, and average speed. In my opinion though avarage speed is the best indicator for a country’s railway age and quality because it gets rid of a lot of the problems other definitions bring up. For example both of the internationally recognized definitions for high speed rail uses a different speed depending if the line was new (155mph) or upgraded (125mph). This causes all sorts of issues because under those definitions Amtrak’s northeast regional train counts as high speed rail as it runs on an upgraded line with a top speed of 125mph even though the northeast corridor has an average speed of 86mph.