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Joined 1 month ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2024


  • Hamas were elected to power by winning a plurality of the votes, whereupon they formed a coalition government. Then they killed their coalition to make a single-party government. The lack of elections in Gaza since then is because Hamas and Fatah can’t agree on the terms and conditions of the next election, which had been scheduled and postponed multiple times prior to this war. In my opinion, the main problem is that Hamas was afraid of losing seats to Fatah, because they were getting very unpopular before the war.

    The fact is that elections are not actually blocked by Israel. Good to see that you spout bullshit in your first sentence without checking facts first, though. That tells me how seriously I should take the rest of your comment.

    International law does not give any government the right to resist occupation by any or “all necessary means.” That’s another little lie you slipped in. The territory of Palestine is a signatory to the Geneva Convention, which means that the laws of war apply. But Hamas does not follow the laws of war… They target civilians instead of military installations, they engage in perfidy through the use of civilian clothes, which puts the actual civilian population of Gaza in great danger.

    You’d feel better if you told the truth. There are strong truthful arguments against both Israel and Hamas. Because both are directly responsible for the genocide of Palestinians. I suggest you focus on the parties which are directly responsible, rather than moaning about the “complicity” of random foreigners in an attempt to disparage everyone who doesn’t buy into your terrorist whitewashing and disinformation campaign.

    I’m not going to feel guilty for ensuring that Hamas gets their fair share of the blame.

  • You do realize that former president Trump was such a strong ally of Israel (since he let his zionist son-in-law run it) that they named a new settlement on stolen land after him, right? And that he’s never shown the least bit of interest in helping the Palestinians, right? And that his mid-east peace plan was normalization of relations between other Middle East states and Israel, right? Do you think Trump is going to take a stand against Israel if he gets elected? Honestly, what do you expect for him to do to the Palestinians? Send better bombs to kill them with? Stop pressuring Israel for a ceasefire or aid deliveries so that more Palestinians die from war or starvation? Please do share how you think Trump will end the genocide.

  • “Israelis” need to abolish the state and go back to their own countries.

    What an absolutely delusional comment. I do not support the way Israel is conducting this war (which is a genocide). But the solution is not the genocide - even the self-committed genocide - of Israel.

    The region is multi-ethnic, multi-religious, and multi-cultural. This is a fact that needs to be accepted by both sides.

    The morally correct path forward is a secular multiethnic state, or states, that integrates the residents of the area and provides everyone with full and equal rights of citizenship, including fundamental human rights, regardless of their national origin, ethnic heritage, or religion.

    As long as people like you keep calling for ethnic cleansing and/or the genocidal abolishment of an entire nation of people based on their nationality - be it Palestinian or Israeli- the outcome will be two tribes locked into an eternal struggle for existence, doing their best to brutally eliminate their enemy while creating future generations of enemies.