I’m savvy enough to know that automatic renewal is activated whenever you accept those “2 days of prime, free!” offers when you’re checking out, but the messages don’t mention that, and Amazon is experienced enough to know that some people won’t intuit it, so it’s obviously a deliberate scam.
Its built into the subscription model. I know, because I’ve worked at a company that implemented one and I fought tooth and nail for them to follow their company guidelines of transparency. They never did
I’m savvy enough to know that automatic renewal is activated whenever you accept those “2 days of prime, free!” offers when you’re checking out, but the messages don’t mention that, and Amazon is experienced enough to know that some people won’t intuit it, so it’s obviously a deliberate scam.
Its built into the subscription model. I know, because I’ve worked at a company that implemented one and I fought tooth and nail for them to follow their company guidelines of transparency. They never did