On Saturday evening, Pavel Durov, founder and CEO of Telegram, was arrested at Le Bourget airport in Paris. The arrest took place as Durov, accompanied by his
This has nothing to do with privacy either. First of all Telegram is not a private messenger. Secondly, this is a about public forums and groups called Channels. This has nothing to do with backdoors eithe. They are simply asking them to do moderation on chats they already have access too.
Telegram has full access to this data and knowingly ignores child pornography and other criminal activity. If Facebook did such a thing for years you’d be screaming right now.
This has nothing to do with privacy either. First of all Telegram is not a private messenger. Secondly, this is a about public forums and groups called Channels. This has nothing to do with backdoors eithe. They are simply asking them to do moderation on chats they already have access too.
Telegram has full access to this data and knowingly ignores child pornography and other criminal activity. If Facebook did such a thing for years you’d be screaming right now.
I haven’t seen CP on either platform. How are you sure there is CP in telegram? How do you know there isn’t on Facebook?
I think we all know that it has definitely appeared on both platforms. I think it’s a case of “what did the company do about it?”