It’s possible that the enforcement of a rate limit isn’t because of AI scraping, but rather because they failed to migrate before the June 30th deadline.

    1 year ago

    find a way to make that crappy investment somehow profitable

    With this sudden, reckless implementation of shit, alienating more and more of the very user base that gives the business its’ value?

    He’s created a cascade effect that didn’t need to turn into an avalanche, at this point he’s just piling one half-baked idea on top of another, and another, and another.
    Unless the petty goal is to turn that place into a toxic right-wing playground, which in turn… what does he gain from that, exactly, in case it works out and has a societal/electoral effect? Lower taxes and less oversight, so he can do as he pleases?

    Occam’s Razor suggests his mind is broken by stress, willful lack of sleep and social media addiction - the attention of millions of both haters and worshippers - incompetently “getting high on his own supply” like Tony Montana, and went into this convinced his shit doesn’t stink. And now flailing at the lack of success and here comes A.I. with its’ scrapers.

      1 year ago

      You’ll never hear me disagreeing with the concept that Elon Musk is a guy with big problems.

      Just look at the variety of broken promises at all his companies. The guy is a snake oil salesman, and twitter is no different.

      He happened to win on the stock market roulette wheel, but his barely profitable car company didn’t have to be the thing that pulls in all the extra liquidity in the system – it could have just as easily been something completely different.

      Worst part is that Twitter won’t even be a toxic right-wing playground, because one of the patented Elon Musk broken promises he made was that twitter would become a free speech haven and it didn’t really. People are still getting banned regularly for non-illegal speech.

      Algorithm driven social media seems to be scrambling the brains of the elites just as much as they scramble the brains of regular people.