• Soup@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    Look if we can’t even buy a coffee then what is honestly the fucking point? I don’t personally drink coffee but the point still stands that it’s not a wholly unreasonable thing to be asking for yet we’re constantly told that it’s a moral failing to spend our money. Fuck even when we stop buying stuff they whine that no one is consuming anymore. I just want to contribute to the local economy for fuck’s sake!

    Face it, we’re all severely underpaid and it’s not our job to save every single dollar we possibly can just so they can pay us so little that there’s basically nothing leftover anyway. Being frugal to get something normally outside of our means should be a choice we get to make and a daily coffee should not be considered outside anyone’s means.

    • Kusimulkku@lemm.ee
      3 months ago

      It says make coffee at home to save money. You can still buy coffee to-go if you want to but you’ll probably have to save that money from somewhere else. Yeah, being poor sucks, who knew.

      • Soup@lemmy.world
        3 months ago

        It does suck, and it doesn’t need to be that way. Living with a knife lodged in your arm also sucks but a doctor wouldn’t say “yea of course it hurts, it’s a knife!”; they’d actually try and fuckin’ help.

        The issue is that when you make something as simple as a daily coffee a moral issue then you can open up very small amounts to mockery. They’re not trying to help, they’re trying to make it so it’s not their fault that all you can afford is over-inflated rent and rising food prices. They want any savings to go to them, not to us.

        Forty years old working an office job you were educated for? Get a roommate because we think wanting to afford your own place at that age is entitled!

        Working a physical job? We’re all gunna make you sound stupid so that even though you provide a great value and we demand a high level of quality of work we also won’t have to pay you as much. Maybe you should be roommates with the last person!

        Want a cheap coffee to start your day? Booooo, that $60-75 a month could go into my pocket instead!

        I’m sorry you said you wanted a hobby?! Hahaha it better be extraordinarly cheap!

        Oh you bought a cheap thing and it broke? You should have somehow bought a more expensive thing that would last longer and cost less in the long run!

        Oh you bought something that would last longer and cost less in the long run? Wow look at luxury pants over here, you should be saving that money!

        You paid full price for that? Why don’t you be more like me and magically have enough disposable income to take advantage of sales even when you know you won’t need the thing for months.

        It’s all just bullshit to fuck you over and make people fight eachother. They give us raises worth less than even just the inflation of the previous year and then when we speak out they turn it into a moral issue. Somehow it’s always our fault even though they’re the ones overpaying themselves while underpaying everyone else.