• givesomefucks@lemmy.world
    5 months ago

    I mean, one of those links is about the SC hearing the complaints and siding with the first fascist…

    And if you read some of the stuff from the second guys link; he’s trying to take power away from their courts anyways.

    Like, I specifically said:

    Modern Israel is a government of far right religious extremists.

    Their people are still just people. But Israel is in a unique position where there’s a steady stream of far right extremists immigrating in, and they’re pretty much the only ones immigrating.

    So generations that grow up there, are often tired of the violence, but there’s always new people coming in, with the belief that Israel needs to expand to make room for them.

    People that think Israel is already too rightwing, are going to stay where they are.

    I mean, in the months/weeks/even days leading up to 10/7, Bibi was facing serious threats of being ousted out of power for being too far right wing.

    The people had already had enough, but who says they’ll get another election if the existing facist goverment is overthrown by an even more fascist government?

    Like, the second guy already publicly says only the super Orthodox are “really Jewish” and wants a strict Torah interpretation where only “the chosen” matter.

    In his vision the only ones with a say are the far right orthodox sects…

    And the Venn diagram of them and the hardcore fascists in Israel is basically a single circle.

    The military will likely side with them, at least leadership

    So if they try it, the best possible result is likely to be a prolonged civil war where the IDF attacks anyone that doesn’t agree with them, not just in Gaza.

    This is all a direct parrell to how the nazis reacted when they realized there was a possibility of losing WW2.

    That’s when the real horrors started, because if they were going to lose, they wanted to kill everyone they could who wasn’t 110% on their side in every respect

    This shit is dangerous as fuck bro.

    They have fucking nukes this time

    If it came to other countries having to step in to stop them, or even Israeli citizens rising up. These nut jobs will glass as much of the planet as they can. And completely believe it’s “for the greater good”.

    Ironically this is why conservative evangelicals in America support them. They believe this is what starts Armageddon and the rapture immediately follows.

    Lots of people leading countries right now would be completely happy to see all this happen.