Following allegations of dodgy links to Russia and China, one lawmaker referred to Alternative for Germany as a “party of treason.”

The far-right Alternative for Germany party (AfD) is in dire trouble as it deals with the fallout of allegations that two of its leading candidates for the European election have dodgy links to Russia and China.

During a debate in parliament today, lawmakers from across the political spectrum slammed the AfD, accusing the party of pandering to authoritarian regimes and presenting a security risk to Germany’s democracy.

The party is “betraying and selling out the German people,” Marc Henrichmann, a lawmaker for the center-right Christian Democratic Union (CDU) said. The AfD, he added, is a “right-wing party of treason.”

Dirk Wiese, a lawmaker belonging to Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s center-left Social Democratic Party (SPD), accused the AfD of “feigned patriotism,” adding: “Maybe it’s not your own country that you love so much. Maybe it’s dictatorships like China, Russia and Belarus.”

    6 months ago

    Don’t forget that most of these guys are petite bourgeoisie at best, mostly even lower.

    They think 10k is a lot and they feel powerful and important because they are invited by russian state media. These are small men from small backgrounds, desperately trying to feel big. Unfortunately, they hit the right sentiment to resonate with a bunch of small people with delusions of national grandeur.