• TotallynotJessica@lemmy.world
    7 months ago

    On one hand, I don’t think the harassment he’s received over the years has been justified. Lolcowing is fucked up and shouldn’t be done. On the other hand he isn’t exactly a good person.

    I just wish we could forget people like him and move on to bullying more harmful assholes, like Tate or Libs of TikTok. They’re disgusting human beings that often aren’t stopped by the legal system. The fact that they instigate that type of harassment makes them the people most deserving of it. Like bullies in school, they can often only be countered by force, whether that be from the authorities, or the person being bullied.


    Remember kids, if the school refuses to do anything and you can get away with fighting back, it’s probably the right thing to do. Zero tolerance is an excuse from the system to not actually address conflict and shovel children into prison for slave labor. Rather than properly funding schools to handle these issues, they just make it society’s problem by creating criminals with no effort at redemption. You need to avoid getting caught and ensure you keep yourself from being seen as a target, but fighting back in some way is the most effective strategy kids have. They shouldn’t have to, but they have to stay safe.

    You can sometimes achieve mutual respect, but not if you’re seen as weak and easy. It’s fucked up, but all we can do is stand with eachother against assholes.