I swear I’m not Jessica

  • 10 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023


  • The law actually does a better job than you’d think. While it says little about stealing work to train neural networks, it does say that the final result requires significant human input to be eligible for copyright. It’s the same precedent that prevents the copyright of a selfie taken by a monkey. Non human intelligences can’t own stuff, and AI art isn’t made by a human intelligence, so it’s all public domain right now. It cannot be stolen unless someone has put in significantly more work on top of it.

  • Pro tip: only base armor rating matters with that perk, meaning you can’t boost it through tempering. Daedric gauntlets have the highest at 18. Additionally, Khajiit actually do 10 damage on top of the 12 damage from their claws as a result of being a “beast” race. Therefore, they do 22 damage at the start and at most 40 with the perk. Without exploits or mods, you can boost damage by 86 points through enchantments for 126 damage total.

  • You’re right. They can be oh so holier-than-thou about an individual choice that can’t practically solve the problem. I saw your comment about vegans not harming anyone(even though those vegans harm by being mean), and assumed you were a chud. It’s really important for all of us to be more clear about our intentions. If we aren’t, it invites reactionaries to feel comfortable here.

  • Nah, I love meat. I just eat it without any illusions that it’s not fucked up. Ultimately, many people can’t afford to not eat animal products. Being a vegan is expensive in time and money, which is why lower income people aren’t as commonly vegan. It’s possible for them, but it does take a ton of time and effort.

    Things are this way because the full cost of the meat industry get passed off to the public as negative externalities. It’s the same way with the fossil fuel industry. Chevron doesn’t pay for the harm caused by greenhouse gasses in the same way that the meat industry doesn’t pay for the diseases their industry spawns, the increased agricultural production to feed livestock that cuts down forests, or the fucking cow farts spewing methane.

    Mocking vegans has the same energy as mocking renewable energy. It’s not as bad, but only because we aren’t as totally reliant on meat. Our current society cannot function on renewable energy. We’d need to effectively degrow to reach net zero, and markets will never do that. Average people cannot solve this problem by going vegan or getting solar, but that doesn’t mean it’s bad to do those things.

  • Not a vegan, but you’re an asshole. People recognize a genuine problem with an industry that contributes massively to climate change, antibiotic resistance, and environmental destruction, and you’re mocking them? That’s some South Park level shittyness/stupidity. Maybe one day you’ll realize vegans have a point, but you probably won’t own up to how much harm your attitude caused.

    GTFO. You aren’t welcome here.

    Edit: thank you for editing the post. It really wasn’t clear that it was meant to mock a shitty subset of vegans when you first posted it rather than the entire movement. I 100% agree that those people can be snobbish dicks.