• GhostFence@lemmy.world
    9 months ago

    There’s a little bit of that, of like “fuck these guys because I just kind of hate them now”, but it’s mostly just because they’re not convinced that climate change is real.

    No, it’s partially because some know climate change is real but they think they will be rich enough to weather the troubles and even thrive and profit from when the SHTF.

    Here’s how that works.

    Oil exec says fsck climate change, meanwhile they’re amassing billions in profits. The rubes below him echo “bah climate change is hogwash”. Then climate change hits, the coastal cities go underwater, super storms hit, and doughts. The Oil exec meanwhile bought him some prime higher altitude land inland - he only needs to be 500 feet high to escape the rising seas - and he makes a castle out of it, then bring in useful servants, and wall up. The world falls into chaos and when it’s over you call it Panem.

    May the odds ever be in your favor.