• Clbull@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    As much as I’m glad that Andrew Tate is facing criminal charges, I think we need to address the root cause of our societal ills. Tate isn’t the cause but rather a symtpom.

    We really need to step back and ask ourselves why somebody so brazenly misogynistic has attracted a following of millions and has become a role model to teenage boys especially.

    I can explain exactly why, because we’ve created a growing social underclass of men who cannot earn a living, cannot find a romantic partner, cannot live fulfilling lives, and anybody who they turn to either mocks them, fobs them off, or give them false platitudes, which is why they turn to toxic masculinity and the Manosphere for guidance.

    The reality is that inceldom is largely an economic issue that has resulted from decades of stagnated wages which have disproportionately affected men, because despite our best efforts to create an egalitarian society, we still overwhelmingly find men unattractive if they are not the strong hunter-gatherers and providers that our biology has been conditioned over millions of years to find physically attractive. Our biology has not caught up to the millennia of societal progress we’ve made because evolution is a much slower process.

    • AFK BRB Chocolate@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      Hmm, I don’t think I’m with you. You say men are incels because they’re poor and can’t find a girl. From what I’ve seen, they can’t find a girl because of deeply rooted, misogynistic beliefs that turn people off. If also like to see your citation for wage stagnation affecting men more than women, because every study I’ve seen says the wage gap has stayed the same or widened in the last few years. I know many, many men who aren’t the strong hunter gatherer type and have loving wives or girlfriends. The difference is those guys aren’t assholes.

      • Clbull@lemmy.world
        1 year ago

        It goes far beyond just being poor. Wealth inequality is just one piece of the puzzle, albeit a massive one.

        There are also a lot of other factors like how social media is poisoning mental health, physical and mental healthcare being expensive enough to outright bankrupt many families, the fact that rather than address these issues or limit gun ownership, American lawmakers instead think putting children through active shooter drills and locking down schools with more security than an international airport is the solution to deal with an epidemic of school shootings.

        Even among nations with relatively lax gun laws, you almost never see public shootings, let alone ones on similar levels to Columbine, Virginia Tech, Sandy Hook, etc

      • bozaloshtsh@lemmy.world
        1 year ago

        they can’t find a girl because of deeply rooted, misogynistic beliefs that turn people off

        People aren’t born with misogynistic beliefs. They also aren’t taught them in school.

        also like to see your citation for wage stagnation affecting men more than women

        I’m not going to google search for you, but it’s pretty easy to see that wage stagnation affects men more because traditionally, men are expected to be the provider for the household and women have traditionally had the option of not starting a career and just finding a man instead. I’m not saying that women are not affected, but they have an economic “out” that men generally don’t have.

        I know many, many men who aren’t the strong hunter gatherer type and have loving wives or girlfriends. The difference is those guys aren’t assholes.

        I’m willing to bet that they also have stable jobs. Also, if you’re one of them of course you’d know a bunch of other men who are similar; this says nothing about a large swath of men that the grandparent comment is referring to.

        • AFK BRB Chocolate@lemmy.world
          1 year ago

          People aren’t born with any beliefs. What’s your explanation for racism, homophobia, fascism, and other hateful views and behavior? People learn that stuff by their environment growing up, and there’s an awful lot of toxic masculinity.

          And you’re argument about poverty and wage stagnation would make more sense if there weren’t so many poor people in happy marriages.

          No, I hear your argument, but it doesn’t seem to hold water to me. The simpler answer is that some men are taught to believe shitty things growing up. Those shitty things lead to shitty behaviors that cause people not to be around them. The worst ones are the ones who believe men should be dominant over women, but are also timid or introverted, making them angry pressure cookers.

          • rocketeer8015@discuss.tchncs.de
            1 year ago

            I think his point was that it’s ok for a woman to not earn much without it impacting her attractiveness to men, while the reverse isn’t true. There is a reason why rich millionaire falling in love with poor woman is a romance novel trope while not so much the other way around.

            Finances are part of the attraction in a male if looking for actual relationships. You ain’t not gonna impress a woman flipping burgers at McD while men don’t care what a woman’s job is if she’s pretty and fun to be around.

          • bozaloshtsh@lemmy.world
            1 year ago

            And you’re argument about poverty and wage stagnation would make more sense if there weren’t so many poor people in happy marriages.

            This doesn’t invalidate the argument at all. Of course it’s not a all-or-nothing situation. Elliot Rodger was from a wealthy family and had plenty of economic prospects.

            The simpler answer is that some men are taught to believe shitty things growing up. Those shitty things lead to shitty behaviors that cause people not to be around them.

            This is not the simpler answer because Andrew Tate’s following is a relatively new phenomenon. People hear a LOT of things growing up; what sticks with them is a product of their environment. Something like this would not have caught on in the 80s or 90s, even if the zeitgeist was more misogynistic than it is today. I’d wager every man has some kind of misogynistic influence growing up, but what matters is whether they take that to heart. When the economic situation is dire (they know they will never attain the traditional ideal of a provider) it becomes really easy to blame the “other.”

            • AFK BRB Chocolate@lemmy.world
              1 year ago

              This is not the simpler answer because Andrew Tate’s following is a relatively new phenomenon.

              The age of social media influencers is also a relatively new phenomena. Tate realized he could tap into all those angry pressure cookers to make money. He posed as something he wasn’t, renting cars and places to make him look rich and paying women to pretend to be infatuated with him to give credence that his brand of misogyny makes men successful with women. And it worked. How would one do that 50 years ago?

              I’m an old guy, and I knew incel types when I was a kid, but there wasn’t an easily accessible community of people telling them that their beliefs were valid. Instead of telling them that their trouble was that they weren’t a big enough asshole, the people around them told them to tone it down.

    • Eldritch@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      It’s an economic issue in as much as this is what capitalism promotes and exemplifies. Psychopaths and sociopaths rise to the top. And all the other haters fangirl over them for doing it.

      Some of the happiest most satisfied people I know are poor. They just don’t have the massive entitlement to other people’s things.

    • Mirshe@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      Sorry, I’m currently one of those dudes who doesn’t have a romantic partner and doesn’t live what others would call a “fulfilling life”. I haven’t fucking decided that Andrew Tate or any of a thousand others are the guiding star of my life, nor do I feel I ever will. This idea of “society’s to blame for incels” is pretty bad even on its face - most of these guys are told by these influencers (or their cultists) that they deserve not only a happy, prosperous life, but they shouldn’t even have to actively work for it. According to this philosophy, they shouldn’t have to go out and actively seek romance, women should be flocking to them in droves. As this does not happen, something must be fundamentally wrong with society - which is why a lot of these types also wind up spouting fascist rhetoric, and eventually fall into white supremacist pablum.

    • Squizzy@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      Nah man incels are just losers and Tate is just the same. I talk to my male friends all the time about difficulties I’m having I don’t need to blame women for them. We haven’t created s growing social underclass of men, some men are just bitching and thinking this is targetted when everyone is struggling.

      This reaks of manosphere bullshit.

      • Clbull@lemmy.world
        1 year ago

        Oh yeah, they absolutely are losers and the manosphere is not to be trusted. Incel, red pill, MGTOW, etc rhetoric is dangerous.

        I talk to my male friends all the time about difficulties I’m having I don’t need to blame women for them.

        Some don’t even have that support group.

      • thebestaquaman@lemmy.world
        1 year ago

        Nah man incels are just losers and Tate is just the same.

        I don’t think brushing away the issue like this is particularly helpful. It’s a statistical truth that men are over-represented in a long list of bad settings, from victims of violence, to drug abuse, suicide, homelessness, unemployment etc. Additionally, the past ≈30 years there has been a trend of a decreasing proportion of men having several partners throughout their life, and an increasing proportion of men never finding a long-time partner. And men are to a larger and larger degree under-performing in education compared to women.

        Furthermore, like you say: Everyone is struggling. The struggling disproportionally is disproportionally difficult to handle for those that are over-represented in the statistics mentioned above.

        I definitely think we have a societal issue where certain men are being marginalised, or at least put in a position where it is understandable that they feel marginalised. We know very well that humans in general, when they feel pushed into a corner, tend to lash out in some way.

        What I’m saying doesn’t defend their actions, but provides an explanatory model for why they are acting the way they are. Because if nothing else, we as a society need to do something about the increasing number of men acting that way.

        Nah man incels are just losers and Tate is just the same.

        This does not serve as an explanation for why these people are acting as losers, or what we can do about it, and is thus not a very constructive standpoint to take.

    • Airazz@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      I can’t agree with that. Being poor is not an excuse to be a shitbag. A lot of those guys aren’t even trying to change anything, they put all the blame on corporations as if it somehow makes their behavior justified, and then spend their days on incel forums.

      • like100dollars@lemmy.world
        1 year ago

        They didn’t say it was an excuse. They didn’t defend being a shitbag. They offered an explanation. You may disagree with it, but you’re not talking about the same thing here.

    • primevandal@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      inceldom is largely an economic issue

      that’s such a reach. women are lagrely more economically disadvantaged, specially when you consider that men are paid more, are not straved off of promotions due to their gender, are not discriminated because they are women. rich/well-off incels exist, they are and will remain incels despite their financial status or attractiveness. they are incels because of their misogynistic beliefs (among other horrible traits).

      the internet and tate has amplified the voices of this community since they are able to congregate anonymously and with no repercussions.