• afraid_of_zombies@lemmy.world
    10 months ago

    I just remembered when they had that guy with a golden helmet (you wouldn’t think gold would not make a good armor) that had the secret location of Atlantis. Also he didn’t know until the last minute of the show so he was just done dude with a weird ass helmet claiming to be scion of the Atlantisns. Also he has some strange outfit on.

    I almost want a deep dive into that guy. Imagine since birth your dad was always showing you this weird helmet telling you that your life mission was to find your long lost homeland. Like you apply for food stamps and list “questing for homeland” as your profession. You go on a date and show up dressed as the supposed royality of the Atlantians.

    Her: So what do you do for work?

    Him: Quest for my underseas homeland.

    Her: Hobbies?

    Him: Stamp collecting but you know also knitting my outfits.

    What if one of the scions are gay or infertile or just doesn’t want kids? Does he stream every single ancient aliens episode just in hopes they mention Atlantis? Does he sovereign citizen stuff claiming to have diplomatic immunity and use his crudely made passport to get around?

    So so many questions.