I hope he got a lot of money to sell us out.
Probably in the minority here and I’m not a fan of establishment Democrats, but his reasoning that Trump would use the shutdown to move without court interference seemed logical to me.
You know Trump could have just vetoed the spending bill and then got his shutdown right? Or the Republicans could have not submitted a bill or even voted against with that argument that it was better for Trump to have his way.
This has just legitimized him further in that when push comes to shove people (Democrats) do agree with giving him what he wants. He’s an unchecked bully.
This is not logical it’s easy.Whoever shuts down the government, loses. Republicans can’t just veto the bill or not pass a budget. But they CAN pass something Democrats don’t like and then blame Democrats for shutting down the government if they filibuster it. And voters WOULD blame Democrats, because they would be the party blocking the bill.
Run through the logic, after they stop this budget. Trump does whatever he wants while people blame Democrats, and eventually the Democrats cave and pass it anyway after allowing irreperable harm and harming their ability to take back the House in 2026, or they cave by letting Trump whatever he wants indefinitely.
I see the logic behind it, but cant decide if the system is now so broken that his logic even works in the new framework.
This CR gives Musk a ticket to do whatever he wants, anyways.
So, why give him money to do it?
I dunno who that guy is, but every time I see his face all I can think is…
All the progressives should unite under a NEW party banner
I’m not sure if that would be easier than usurping power by primarying d’s who don’t get in line but clearly the geriatric dinosaurs in power in the DNC are half the problem.
The rightwing was really successful in primarying weak republicans who wouldn’t toe the line but they essentially had free money (PACs) to do so. The nascent left has no such source of funding, the Sorosbucks to Stanleynickles is terrible.
Just a reminder than the dnc knew Bernie was a stronger option than Hillary but gave her the nomination instead. The dnc only cares about your money, not your opinion.
I agree with that.
It would be far easier for them to just hijack the Democratic party the way the far-right did the Republicans.
They will
I’m sure when Chancellor Trump orders the purging of opposition leaders, he’ll leave you alone for sucking his dick like this. Surely debasing yourself before wild animals will keep you from being ripped to shreds by them.
Dictators kill their enemies. Everyone who isn’t, and hasn’t always BEEN their fiercely loyal, obedient ally is an enemy. Especially if they’re a declining, psychopathic, malignant narcissist.
We need a Tea Party of the Left
Instead of the ‘Taxed Enough Already’; the left needs the ‘Tax Elites Already’ movement!
Democrats need to primary all these old fucks the way the crazy maga crowd primaried Republicans
Big surprise, old suits in the democratic party don’t represent the modern democratic voter.
There needs to be term limits, especially based on age, and to whipe out any form of stock trading and “donations”.
The reason they’re still in office is for 30 years the DNC has put protecting incumbents above all else, including beating republicans.
The DNC power structure is pretty much the opposite of a democracy, but we just got our furtherest left chair in over 30 years, and his performance as a state party leader shows his biggest concern is beating Republicans, and he’s accomplished that to great success by just not putting the party in-between voters and the progressive candidates they want to vote for.
It’s an incredibly low bar, but one Ken Martin easily clears.
Don’t hate the (literally a month old) new blood for the failings of the old.
New blood needs to start pushing the old blood down the stairs.
The reason they’re still in office is for 30 years the DNC has put protecting incumbents above all else
Protecting centrist incumbents above all else. They didn’t do shit to protect Cori Bush or Jamaal Bowman, for exactly one reason.
I’m not giving anyone this shitty party selected for any position the benefit of the doubt until I see how they actually behave in situ.
Did he and or his family got death threats from trump or what?
Trump has been making threats like that since before the election. If Schummer didn’t think he could do his job, he should have stepped down.
The entire Democratic Party leadership needs to resign and be replaced by people who will actually fight for working Americans.
In November Schumer and the other leaders suffered the worst defeat in party history yet they haven’t realized the only thing left for them to do is resign in shame.
The worst defeat in party history is definitely Reagan 1984.
Not going to happen.
Change has to come from the bottom, not the top.
Couldn’t agree more - it will only happen if they receive enough public pressure and those of us who understand what’s happening here have a responsibility to do what we can to spread the word.
Just for the record, this is what democrats always do, and it’s why they keep fucking losing.
Democrats would rather have trump than have a social-democratic platform, and it shows every time they have the opportunity to fight him and chose to capitulate instead. The democrats aren’t a left-wing party, certainly not now, and arguably not since FDR.
There is always a few Democrats to fuck shit up. This time there were 10! I hope to see the day where Shumer and Fetterman both fuck off into the sunset.
Two sides of the same coin if you will.
You can’t have a coin with one side, and both sides need coin in their bank account.
The problem is, both parties serve someone, and it’s not the common man. The Republican party is a lot more effective at maintaining the illusion – look at how many of their constituents consistently vote against their own interests and are proud to do so.
There’s people working for Federal agencies RIGHT NOW that have either already been terminated or are on the rocks and they are STILL Trump supporters. They are willing to destroy their own lives just to “own the libs” and it will be interesting to see how far this trend will be taken.
Do-nothing Democrats strike again.
Schumer is a coward and a fraud. The weakest leader in a generation. He should resign in shame.
Rumor is that he’s doing it because he has a book tour starting tomorrow and if there’s a shut down he can’t go. Fucking cretin.
I hope to God that’s not true. I can’t imagine someone being that selfish
Elon Musk is in the news everyday and you can’t imagine someone being that selfish?
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with this much effortless casual homophobia i’m surprised you’re not a trump supporter
Pretty sure this is a quid pro quo joke
if it’s not homophobia, can you explain why “sucking dick” and “getting railed” are implied to be embarrassing or otherwise “bad” things for a guy to do?
I’d have said, and have said the same for Pelosi.
The implication being that he’s their bitch. He’d take any shitty deal they threw at him because he’s Daddy’s good little representative.
Frankly y’all sound like you came straight from Twitter the way you jumped on the most offensive interpretation you could think of and ran with it.
Dude… Fuck these weak-ass Democrats. They’re too big of pussies to fight Republicans, so instead they pick fights with “allies” like you and I over making stupid jokes.
God, I wish my country’s two-party system didn’t consist of one party filled with fascist Nazis and the other party filled with easily-offended pussies who would rather eat their own than stand up to the fascist Nazis.
“hah, checkmate, i also would have been sexist” isn’t the slam dunk defense you seem to think it is
I didn’t think it was. I made a crass joke, I know what I said. You’re virtue signaling, very liberal of you.
I swear, you Democrats completely suck at picking and choosing your battles, and that’s part of why you’re stuck with weaklings like Schumer. Do you think someone’s going to have the guts to stand up to Republicans if they grovel and beg for forgiveness the second someone gets offended over a joke they made? Weak.
There’s Republicans out there working to literally erase gay and trans folks from the planet. Those Republicans are the people you need to focus on fighting, not the guy who made a bad joke yet is clearly on our side.
At this rate, maybe AOC or similar will become the democratic candidate in 2028, and basically lead to another Republican landslide. Democrats, at least the politically active ones that would sway these things (not leadership), keep putting a large emphasis on identity politics, political correctness, and a certain ‘victim’ ideology which is out of touch with many of the centrists who ultimately decide the election. Kamela Harris, despite her shifts in policy, is a gauge of this, and yet in these areas she and AOC are nowhere even close, but the AOC-type group is where I see the biggest push among younger democrats. From the point of view of winning a general election, this could be concerning for democrats.
AOC wouldn’t be a Republican Landslide what are you… reads the rest of it
Ahh… you’re one of those “Democrats need to crucify transpeople in the street in order to prove they love America” weirdos
Sorry Concern Troll, but I’m not buying it
what the fuck are you talking about? i am not even american, let alone a democrat? stop using the dumbest fucking justification for homophobia i have ever heard. stop the bigotry or fuck off back to reddit.
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So because of fascism we just need to sit down shut up and tolerate homophobia? Thanks.
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Thank you for speaking up.
No. Stop. We don’t need people “speaking up” against folks on our side for making jokes right now. That’s how we got stuck with weak pansies like Schumer.
If someone’s willing to beg forgiveness the moment someone gets offended over one of their jokes, that person’s also going to roll over and capitulate the moment Republicans put any pressure on them.
Start picking and choosing your battles more wisely, Democrats. The guy making bad gay jokes yet still votes Democrat isn’t your enemy. The Republicans trying to erase gay and trans people from existence are.
Framing this as a this OR that situation is incorrect. I can try to get people to use my sexuality as an insult less, AND I can fight republican bullshit too.
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Agreed. Unfortunately, Lemmy also took a step back to 2010s reddit when it comes to tolerance and self-analysis too, apparently. Schumer is terrible but he’s terrible in a way that doesn’t have to be articulated as a slightly elaborated version of “that’s gay”
Oh good god, get over it. Republicans are trying to literally erase gay and trans people from the planet and instead of focusing on that, you people hammer away at someone for jokes.
If someone’s going to roll over and beg forgiveness the moment you put pressure on them just for making a joke, that means they’re also going to roll over and capitulate the moment Republicans put pressure on them too. This is why Democrats are stuck with weaklings like Schumer.
Pretty gay post ngl
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“VoTe BlUe no mAtTeR who”
Liberals as always would rather side with fascists.
How are you gonna explain this one away @someguy3@lemmy.world ?
I don’t know why you are picking fights and letting a faceless, random Internet stranger live rent free in your mind. The centrist Democrats/liberals are tone deaf. There is no getting through to them other than their value of private property, free market and stocks. If those things are even nudged, they will immediately side with fascists and make up some circular logic of excuses, instead of admitting what they truly value for siding with fascists.
Who said I have to explain it away? Nice strawman!
You mean to say that you disagree with democrats voting to end cloture?
He won’t answer. He loves them doing this. “nice strawman! i dont need to defend my views!”
Ok but this isn’t what I voted for last November and I’m quickly running out of reasons to vote ever again until these dumb fucks actually do something to oppose him. Might as well let the fascists have all the seats, the Dems only apparent purpose right now is to further legitimize trumps unconstitutionality.
I swear if Gavin fucking Newsom gets the nomination, I’ll take my chances with Vance… And that’s not a compliment at Vance, Gavin’s just THAT openly transphobic that Vance looks like a good person BY COMPARISON, I know they’re both transphobes.
God… a situation where I’d support Vance, are things really getting that bad
Course if it’s Trump Jr. I’m going to try to grab a ballot, only to throw up all over it… That apple hasn’t fallen from the tree, somehow it’s floating over it
Walz however, I can live with and vote for willingly without a gun to my head.
So you’re finally agreeing that the DNC is useless?
Thank you for demonstrating again that you really rely on strawmans! Ciao.
So when people voted for Schumer they should be happy he’s doing this?
Please answer how this is accepted by you.
And the next person comes in with strawmans! Lol. Ciao.
“I have claimed you’re a straw man, I win! Bye!”
They aren’t sending their best bootlickers.
Please state how Schumer is a good person here deserving of the vote of the public.