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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • The gnolls with hyenas are very tough. They are probably the toughest thing before you go to the Underdark or into the mountain pass

    Based on my DnD 5e experience, wizards like Gale come into their power once they get the Fireball spell, which happens at 5th level. Burning Hands is ok at lower levels but it tends to put the wizard in harm’s way

    Your party balance sounds reasonable. Better armor and higher constitution will help your paladin tank more over time

    Keep going. It’ll get easier and feel more natural over time

  • Moves like this always assume that location equals citizenship. As an EU citizen living in North America, a move like this means that I would not get the remedy that Apple legally owes me (or would owe me if I owned an iOS device)

    The main thing I’ve been sideloading on Android for a decade is a fan implementation of the Dominion card game called Androminion. It was trademark cease and desist removed from the Play Store a decade ago, but you can still get the apk on Github

    There’s a couple other things. One big gap in both the Google and Apple stores is the complete absence of adult content. I’m amazed there’s not more of a clamour for adult apps among either userbase, given that most people don’t own a normal computer. Sideloading could plug that gap

  • Not sure if you are trolling, but no

    Meta is joining the Fediverse not because it needs the people currently on the Fediverse, but because it needs a regulatory figleaf to protect itself from monopoly charges. At Meta’s scale, there are 0 users on the Fediverse right now. There is no market benefit to getting Fediverse people to move to Meta

    What Meta gets out Threads/Fediverse compat is that suddenly Instagram is not technically a walled garden with platform lock-in, so while the number of people who’ll migrate from Instagram Threads to the Fediverse is going to be tiny they suddenly look a lot less like a mean monopoly to regulators

    At some point they might remove the Fediverse compat. The people currently screaming about embrace-extend-and-extinguish because Meta is joining will then scream about bait-and-switch even though they’ve had Threads defederated the whole time. The Fediverse will still be there. That’s the cycle of life

  • Me: Play Whitehorse the band
    Google Assistant: Playing Whitehorse the song by some other guy
    Me: No, play Whitehorse the Canadian band
    Google Assistant: Playing Whitehorse the album by a third guy
    Me: Play Achilles Desire
    Google Asistant: Playing Whitehorse

    Me: Play Tu vuò fà l’americano on Spotify
    Google Assistant: !?!?!?!?

    Me: Play Laisse tomber les filles
    Google Assistant: !?!?!?

    Me: Play Les Cowboys Fringants on Spotify
    Google Assistant: !?
    Me: Play Les Cowboys F R I N G A N T S
    Google Assistant: Playing Les Cowboys Fringants

    I only ever use those junky voice assistants when driving, and they are useless half the time