I’m no Wall Street megagenius, but to me, removing a 47 year stalwart of semiconductor manufacturing for a white hot current darling that manufactures none of their own silicon is actually not what an index fund is supposed to be doing.
But money is all made up anyway so what do I know.
Dont tell anyone I told ypu about this…
If anyone wants to know, the reason that happens is because spiders move their legs with a hydraulic system and once they are dead the pressure gets released and they revert to their “default” state.
Id say quite a few Twilight Zone episodes had endings that were better than the mystery. But of course, there were just as many episodes where the opposite was true.
TOS always, the others it depends.
My thought is that these people think that their smarter than everyone else therefore they are justified doing anything they do. On the other hand, anyone with a billion dollars got it by making a whole lot of other people poorer. And they ate neither actually geniuses nor benevolent in any other way.
The Phillip Morris CEO makes money by hooking people onto something that isn’t good for them. Tech CEOs are very seldom any different. Anyone who says otherwise usually has a financial interest in making you believe them.
Indeed they are, but every single site wants my email and birthday before I can view content now. I don’t knock them for trying to make money from ads but I don’t need them selling my email address on the side too.
From a Star Trek perspective, when they have to eject the (warp) core they are also in for a pretty bad time.
Mine is usually sheer horror at the prospect of getting that far and screwing up on an international stage. Secondhand anxiety is in the red zone.
Hopefully more Justin and Tawny than Alex.
My conspiracy theory is that hes sitting on a mountain of Hillbilly Elegy DVDs and this is his plan to finally sell them all.
But yeah, he believes in whatever is making him money at any given point because hes simply 10 pounds of slime in a 5 pound sack.
You’re absolutely right. Everyone will be very worried and talk about the importance of security in the enterprise and yada yada yada until a cool new AI spreadsheet software comes out and everybody forgets to even check if their firewall is turned on.
But with that being said, if you have been looking for a good time to ask for cybersecuity funding at your org, see if you can’t lock down 5 years worth of budget while everyone is aware of the risk to their businesses.
Its been taken over by a new artist and its a lot better now in my opinion.
Octoprint is what I use. Slicing is probably the thing it woukd be least good at but all the rest is good. And theres an api to write plugins for if youre into that sort of thing.
This is the concept of an episode of Nathan For You. Well, its a part of an episode about making real a fake story so he doesn’t get “A Million Little Pieces”-ed. Its a great show.
Checks to see what serverless services are running on?
Kubernetes Server Cluster.
I think we should do a letter writing campaign. It worked for TOS.