Rose here. Also @umbraroze for non-kbin stuff.

  • 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • Yup. The robots.txt file is not only meant to block robots from accessing the site, it’s also meant to block bots from accessing resources that are not interesting for human readers, even indirectly.

    For example, MediaWiki installations are pretty clever in that by default, /w/ is blocked and /wiki/ is encouraged. Because nobody wants technical pages and wiki histories in search results, they only want the current versions of the pages.

    Fun tidbit: in the late 1990s, there was a real epidemic of spammers scraping the web pages for email addresses. Some people developed wpoison.cgi, a script whose sole purpose was to generate garbage web pages with bogus email addresses. Real search engines ignored these, thanks to robots.txt. Guess what the spam bots did?

    Do the AI bros really want to go there? Are they asking for model collapse?

  • We don’t really have this whole tipping thing here.

    I’ve had coffee in two places recently. One was in a hypermarket. I don’t remember what the coffee costs there, because it came free with the meal. If the restaurant staff feel they don’t get paid enough, I don’t care if they get inspiration from France and torch every car in the parking lot. You see, I go to the hypermarket by foot. It’s not that far away.

    The other place I had coffee recently was in the train. 2.80€. I certainly hope the restaurant car staff gets paid well. They’re technically railroad employees, after all. You don’t fuck with railroad workers.

  • In middle of a couple of worldbuilding projects. Haven’t really had much good ideas for the fantasy project lately.

    Ah HA! Maybe I’ll do some mild subversion of expectations.
    Maybe one of the most famous sites in this world, where people come to visit from far and wide, has a tiny old withered tree.
    …I mean, there could be a lot of legitimate logical reasons why this site could me important. Maybe the tree has a really fascinating story behind it.
    Heck, there’s probably many such places on our world too! Can think of at least one from the top of my mind.
    I should write this down.

    Last year I felt really crappy as far as my writing projects go, but in the last few months, if there’s one thing I’ve learned it’s that even smallest ideas can sometimes break the writer’s block. Keep writing them down!

  • There are a lot of people who go “I tried to learn X through Duolingo and failed”. Sure, that’s probably true, because staring at the app is not how language learning works. Much like 100 years ago, people would have said you can’t learn a language by reading a single book.

    Duolingo is great for basics of the language, vocabulary and constant daily lessons. But you always need more. There’s a whole language sphere out there. People actually using the language and whatnot.

    I started studying French through Duolingo and about 6 months later I was like “I really need a grammar book and a dictionary, dammit”. Year in, I was like “I should try reading news in French and maybe try a book.”

  • I’m from Finland. This is how it usually goes in the winter:

    During the 2 hours of daylight we get at this latitude:

    • Ooooooh this is pretty
    • Bet I can get some nice photographs
    • …or I would, if the sky wasn’t overcast goddamn it

    Other times:

    • Rummaging through the closet for wool socks and more clothing
    • Put on the headphones, hit the metal music collection on my Nokia, and face the Darkness with a grim stare
    • Would hit the beer, but not in this economy

  • This is literally the old EA stratagem. Give the “independent” developer basically an impossible goal and then go “well you failed to meet the goal, looks like you need a little bit of help from us, and by little help, we mean from now on, you do exactly what we tell you, or else”. EA pulled this off with Origin Systems and (to a different extent) BioWare to name just a few examples. It ended with complete sadness.

    To EA’s credit, that charade usually took a long time to come to completion. Sony is trying to pull this this so soon after acquiring Bungie.