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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 6th, 2023


  • I’m sorry but how? We have appliances with dockerfiles, micro containers for remote controls, extensive botnets of virtual machines, centuries in the future when we have expanded into the solar system and trillions of humans all having millions of unique applications with addresses, it’s inevitable to hit a finite number. When every square meter of smart road has an routable address; we will likely be rewriting networking anyways. The only players pushing IPv6 transition are networking companies because a new standard requires new hardware.

  • Cisco as a client tried to force ipv6 for their managed service and after an entire quarter of attempting to resolve it, we actually disabled it for their virtual address per their request. IPv4 has issues and IPv6 promises solutions, but it’s not a stable platform yet. This appears ignorant but is based on truth. IPv6 is also eventually going to hit exhaustion with the frequency we spin up virtual machines, it’s okay to skip a bad generation.

  • I got my license at 18 before I moved out, but my parents made the entire ordeal a nightmare. It was more anxiety than it was worth to get my required miles in with them as the instructor. People living in large cities often never get the opportunity, it’s high stress and taxis are readily available. Car ownership is expensive and public transportation is available, as well as biking. In uni I taught several Asian students how to drive because countries like Japan often have expensive training programs, and insurance is painful for testers. European cities are often designed for micro mobility and bikes and smart cars are preferred just because of size.

  • Unfortunately most large organizations are running on enterprise releases that only lay down minimal software. Plus IT depts have heavily maintained images that immediately shuts off anything that sneaks in. Help desk is just going to disable the feature before slapping the company background image and VPN on it and giving it to standard users. They will make a ton of money in the short term and EOL the operating system when it’s no longer profitable and Linux is the default (decades from now). AOL is still out there

  • I’m genuinely sorry to hear that. From my own journey, I recommend trying to find something that you realize is tolerable to fun. Engage in that activity and actually stop to appreciate that you are in that moment. Just absorb how those emotions feel and try to embrace that frame of mind. Often I would get wrapped up in doing something and not appreciate that I was enjoying myself. I would spend my 8 work hours hating my job, getting worked up by the news and wallowing in those emotions and that becomes your mindset. Identifying that change is constant and trying to embrace what you have now creates moments that are worth indulging in. Now I add slurpee runs to project plans just to make my days slightly more enjoyable and novel. They will likely get stuck down, but at the least it’s a softball for someone to roast for a good laugh. But more often than not we take 15 minutes and get a slurpee. Those coworkers are now friends. It took years before discovering I was neuro atypical, don’t be afraid to seek help and see if there is something different about you and if you can do something about it.

  • I’ll take a shot: Life is a disease of chaos that spreading itself across the universe that long forgot about it. In order to survive it must consume itself, but keeps spreading slightly faster and has only recently started to shape its own future.

    We as a species? We do it because it feels good for the most part. Nature was cruel and we figured out how to keep the pleasure center of our brain happy, and are trying to do that as efficiently as possible. Evolution is cruel and humans are no exception. When primates are threatened they go straight for the throat and balls to remove all challengers. We as a species can get more together; but greed has tipped the balance. Hard times are here and it will likely take drastic change to correct the scales.

    We as a collective individual? As our perspectives and priorities change, there will never be a single answer for an individual at any point in their life, so it’s hard to provide insight to anyone reading. The first task is to get to know yourself, what are you good at, what do you suck at, what’s the most attractive part of your body, what’s your best hairstyle, we are all unique and unless you can honestly answer this, you still have work to do. If you had unlimited cash, what would you do? Keep in mind quit my job is not an answer! Aside from getting bored in a few weeks, the actual point of this exercise is to identify what your priorities are. Would you run an organization to do something? What’s your passion project? It might be to spend it with your family and that’s a great answer for a happy life. Bill Gates went to Africa to help people, Elon Musk bought Twitter so people would talk about him. At the end of the day, your reason for doing it and mine will be different, but you need to find what you can do that will bring you efficient happiness. If it helps; I like chasing a lot of different things and finding the best it has to offer, I also love my dogs. Best of luck in your search.

  • The advertised benefit is that if you throw away the cap and bottle separately, you have 2 pieces of trash to clean up instead of 1. The actual benefit is that bottling companies can charge more for a more complex mold, but the same amount of materials. Lobbyiest lobbied and tada! In reality both pieces end up in the same landfill or in the same water current to garbage island. Now we have an antiquated law and an annoying policy to follow.