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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 29th, 2023


  • theneverfox@pawb.socialtoMemes@lemmy.mlArrrrrr
    3 days ago

    There’s many reasons people pirate - sometimes it’s a matter of means & availability, sometimes it’s a matter of controlling their paid-for content (like people who actually buy switch games but want to run them on their steam deck), and sometimes it’s basically a hobby

    Some people would surely buy some games if piracy wasn’t on the table (assuming the terms were unacceptable to them), but I used to rewatch the same things and play the same games endlessly. I think the vast majority would do without

    And rejecting a service you don’t consider worth it isn’t moral. That’s just basic capitalism and self-interest.

    This seems to be our core difference. I don’t think capitalism is a moral system, and “enlightened self interest” only works with equity of opportunity and fierce competition - that’s not the world we live in. And even then, I don’t think it’s a very ethical moral framework

    I see supporting a service hostile to users as immoral - it’s like enabling an abuser, however slight, you’re contributing to behaviors that are a detriment to others

  • theneverfox@pawb.socialtoMemes@lemmy.mlArrrrrr
    4 days ago

    I’m not going to say pirating is some morally superior act, but there is something to be said for refusing to support companies that have user-hostile distribution

    And I don’t think that act is cheapened by accessing the content anyways - yes, you are not contributing to the creators while enjoying their content. If you weren’t going to pay into the stream that they get a small part of anyways, then you’re not costing them anything - if you wouldn’t have bought it and didn’t, it’s the same result on their end either way

    Ultimately it goes back to piracy being a problem of accessibility, and rejecting an inaccessible service is the moral part, I see the piracy in this context as just neutral

  • theneverfox@pawb.socialtoMemes@lemmy.mlArrrrrr
    4 days ago


    Steam, case in point. You can find cracked games fairly easily, there’s even games entirely lacking drm that could be passed around effortlessly

    But steam is very convenient, the prices are reasonable, and they have good customer support. That’s enough that even people who pirate switch games buy pc games on the same device

  • theneverfox@pawb.socialtoMemes@lemmy.mlSome shit happened.
    1 month ago

    Glad to hear it…I also found it helpful to know about the “pregnant pause”. It’s when they just look at you silently, waiting for you to continue. It makes you want to keep talking out of awkwardness

    It helps me to think of that like an invitation, I’ll think if anything else comes to mind and if I’ve got nothing left to say I’ll just wait it out

  • theneverfox@pawb.socialtoMemes@lemmy.mlSome shit happened.
    1 month ago

    It’s both. It’s an invitation to bring up anything recent, but you can also treat it like a normal greeting if you’d rather not go there right now.

    It’s also open ended enough that you can say “I’m doing well, I’ve been thinking about my childhood a lot lately” and take the session wherever you want organically. It could also just lead into small talk while you get comfortable

  • Not necessarily. If you want to do a new thing, make a new rule

    For example, send them a tax bill for 99% their net worth. Offer to accept assets at the calculated market price and the government can sell it slowly, or let them sell it off for pennies on the dollar and submit their new net worth for an adjusted amount

    Obviously that’s super heavy handed, but you can slice it a million different ways