• 7 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Sure buddy. Thanks for the clarification.

    Edit: only Palestine is not a state. There is the PA and there might be something to actually condemn about a “martyrs fund” but that’s about it. And Hamas is obviously not controlled in any way by the PA. On the other hand, Israel is a regional superpower with a victim compelx and a genocidal army. In my list of dangerous maniacs, the Israeli state, its army and intelligence services are way way higher than the …PA. But regardless. Good to hear a Zionist condemn Israel for state sponsored terror. Have a nice evening.

  • If you recognize Palestine as a sovereign state and therefore the Israeli occupation of the West Bank and Gaza as illegal, sure I’ll condemn Palestinian sponsorship of terrorism. If not, there is nothing to condemn right? There can’t be state sponsored terrorism by an entity that is not a state. Logic.

    And for the record, I’m unequivocally condemning Iran and Hezbollah and the Houthis for their terrorism.

    Still waiting on an answer to my question, buddy. Israeli policy of sponsorship of terror. Do you condemn Israel for it.

  • Hamas is the government of Gaza. So yes, when they order the killing of some random civilians in Tel Aviv’s mass transit, that’s literally state terrorism, with the only qualifier that Gaza is a quasi-state, so I guess “quasi-state sponsored terrorism”? But yes, that’s it. The quasi-state of Gaza is condemnable for its support of terrorism. The state of Israel is condemnable for its support of terrorism.

    I don’t get why you keep repeating on the “and the people” bit. I clearly said above that condemning Israeli state terrorism is not a condemnation of every Israeli. Similarly, condemning Hamas terrorism is not a condemnation of every Gazan.

    So there you have my position clear as day. What’s yours? Do you condemn Israel for its systematic sponsorship of terrorism?

  • The Ezzedine Al-Qassam Brigades takes responsibility for the heroic Jaffa operation carried out by the fighters from the [occupied West Bank] city of Hebron

    Heroic operation? Shooting up a tram? Fuck off. This is not resistance, it’s wanton murder. Random people in public transit are not legitimate targets.

    The fanatic stupidity on display here is astounding. But what else to expect? Fanatic stupidity festers in occupation, dehumanization, and genocide.

  • What the fuck are you even talking about? What is Bibi, some pariah, some exception? In the 21st century, there are more years where Netanyahu has been PM of Israel than there are when he wasn’t. Before him it was Ariel fucking Sharon. For the vast majority of time since Oslo, it’s been either Likud or some Likud splinter in power. The basic outlines of the original Likud program are by now Israel’s official policy. Fuck, they have been building “facts on the ground” for 30 years. The facts on the ground are now just the FACTS. Israel took a dump on Oslo, and its shit stinks.

    And yea I know that other types of Zionism exist, and that “not all Zionists” are rabid genocidal lunatics. But for the last 30 years, the Israeli Right has DOMINATED what it means to be a zionist. The Sharon-Netanyahu style of Zionism, is the really existing Zionism that is in POWER. And fuck no, I don’t need to be doing the “not all Israelis” dance, not any more than when the Greek government does shit. When Modi sends assassination squads to kill Sikhs in Canada, we don’t say “not all Indians”, we condemn Indian sponsorship of terror. I’m not going to give Israeli terrorism a pass just because it’s Israeli. ISRAEL IS NOT SPECIAL. Israeli shit smells just as bad as Greek shit or Turkish shit or Lebanese shit.

    That’s why I’m saying that Israel the country, is a sponsor of settler terrorism. The country’s army protects them. The country’s government arms them and leaves them unpunished. The country’s services over time legalize their land grabs and offer them amenities. THIS IS WHAT STATE SPONSORSHIP OF TERROR LOOKS LIKE. If you can’t wrap your head around the fact that this does not constitute a condemnation of every israeli out there, or worse of every jew out there, that’s a You problem. And if your feefees about what Zionism should be are hurt by the reality of what Really Existing Zionism actually does are hurt, too bad for your feefees.

  • Get off your nationalist garrison mentality and you’ll immediately see that I’m not blaming Israel for everything. I specifically started by saying that “Iran should definitely stop harbouring terrorism”. Literally my very first fucking sentence in this interaction. I have no hesitation to also label Hezbollah and Hamas as despicable terrorists as well. Fuck. Them.

    What I am also doing is blaming Israel for what Israel does, something that you are having trouble computing because you’re trapped in an “us and them” knuckle-dragging mentality. Super conveniently for your terror narrative, the ONE accusation that you don’t even mention is my very FIRST one: that Israel is aiding and abetting terrorism by radical settler militias against the indigenous population of the West Bank. That alone is enough to 100% condemn Israel as a state sponsor of terror.

    We have an actual A/B testing scenario here, a perfect natural experiment. The West Bank is what “Palestine without Hamas” looks like. And damningly for kahanist bootlickers “Palestine without Hamas” is an apartheid state/bantustan where the Israeli state apparatus has banalized the extreme degradation, oppression, murder and dehumanization of 2 million people.

  • I called for the end of Israeli state terror and you name that a call for genociding jews. That’s batshit insane and paranoid buddy. (By the way, you can’t “genocide a state”, that’s bullshit.)

    And quit it with the zionist apologia. None of the “ooo who did that 70 years ago” matters, this is the post-Oslo world, when the PLO/PA has formally accepted Israel’s right to exist, all while Israel colonizes their lands in clear violation of their own signed agreements. Save it for evangelical fundamentalist bootlickers and impressionable young diaspora kids who haven’t been deprogrammed yet.

  • No I mean Israel. Israel is a sponsor of terrorism. In the Occupied Territories, the IDF and the Israeli state are continuously aiding and abetting radical settler militias in terrorizing the indigenous population, like their terrorist forefathers in the Irgun in the 1940s. In Gaza, the IDF itself is employing mass terror tactics against the population in service of ethnic cleansing. In Lebanon, the Mossad employed terror tactics with the mass detonation of battery-operated devices a couple of weeks ago. They are also currently employing mass terror tactics against the Lebanese population. They have also engaged in extra-judicial assassinations of political figures, another terror tactic. Israel is a major source of terror and destabilization in the Middle East. They should fucking stop.

  • This is raising the bar to a ridiculous and silly level. Are you seriously going to argue for …Algerians, Indonesians and Afghanis being threats? Their immediate neighbours to the south, west and east have normalized relations and are squarely within the Atlantic system. The Saudis and the Gulf states are almost there, too (had it not been for October 7th, this would have already happened). As the Syrians are basically a failed state, the only ones that are left are quite literally the Lebanese and the Palestinians. The influence of Iran hinges precisely on the legitimate grievances of these peoples. Address those, and you got peace. But you don’t have the Greater Israel of the Israeli far right’s wet dreams.