• 1 Post
Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: April 27th, 2024


  • I had multiple failed starts with (n)vim, always getting frustrated way before I had a usable setup, until I just used NvChad. It’s basically a preconfigured version, with all the plugins, keybinds,… you could probably want.

    It gave me something usable right out of the box. I continued tinkering with it for almost two years before moving on to my completely custom configuration.

    IMO the people that say you should start with bare (n)vim in order to learn everything from the ground up are delusional. There’s no reason you can’t learn all that stuff after you’ve actually experienced how nice the entire thing can be.

  • Alright, this is weird. I ran tcpdump on the server, and checked both physical and wg0 interface. For things like youtube, it’s a constant stream of packets coming in on the physical interface, then immediately being relayed through wg0 - just as it should be.

    But for Crunchyroll, there’s… Nothing. I get an initial burst of packets when opening the site containing the video I want to stream, and then packets just stop coming in once the page itself has fully loaded.

  • They don’t actually have to enforce that though. Rather, it’s a neat trick: if you do use encrypted chats, well, you’re purposefully doing something illegal! To hide information, no less! That surely means you have more to hide, and since you’ve already broken a law, let’s investigate further!

    To be clear: I’m not saying this is the intended effect. But it is a frighteningly possible one. Anyone who has reason to hide their communication (regime critical activists, opposition politicians, investigative journalists,…) either have to

    • accept that their communication will be scanned, making it trivial to spy on them and use that information (legally, no less!) to hinder/stop them, or
    • do something illegal, giving pretext for hindering/stopping them since they’ve now committed a crime