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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: March 20th, 2024


  • I kind of hate this kind of narrative here.

    Yeah, capitalism is shit etc… but let’s get to the real root cause: we’re all still animals, and want our pack to be the best. The root issue isn’t money, it’s power. Many societies wouldn’t mind degrowth if it didn’t mean all the others would bury them & dance on their grave.

    If one single country would actually degrow, all the others would dominate it financially, loot it for all its worth, and unless it can completely 100% sustain itself without outside trade (pretty much impossible in our globalized society), it would mostly collapse. And even if it could sustain itself, the power imbalance would be so huge we’d run in all other kinds of issues soon (hey, why not just conquer that country that is pretty much powerless now?)

    Imo we’re all just animals knowing we’re headed for extinction, but at the same time it’s a big game of chicken on the road, the first to stray from this path will get fucked in so many ways by all the others who see their chance to improve their situation… And imo capitalism isn’t the cause of that, but one of the results of this. It’s just another way for us to compete and try to fuck eachother over like the animals we still are.

    So either we get to some near global agreement on how to get out of this situation, or we just keep doing far too little since… what’s the point of trying to improve things if it just means you get annihilated by those that don’t, and things will remain the same despite your best efforts…

  • This is a completely meaningless figure…

    I really hate when articles come out with this kind of data. Huge numbers like this without any context just mean nothing. Ok, 42 trillion$, how much money did they already have? How much percent did their fortunes increase? Is that more or less than inflation?

    It’s just a meaningless huge number that has no intention other than to shock, certainly not to inform or they would have given actually useful numbers that would actually let you have an idea whether it’s that bad or not…

    I hate that people keep falling for nonsens like this… Just post a huge number without any context or any other numbers needed to be able to make sense of it, and everyone is like “omfgwtfbbq, this is SOOOO bad”! Is it? It’s perfectly possible that this isn’t even enough to keep up with inflation, and they’re technically poorer, probably not, but we’ll never know from this useless article…

  • I’m not assuming any of the people discussing here are doing the voting, but also in the discussion his points were being ignored. And i love me a good technology connections video too, but someone from the industry dotting some of the i’s that technology connections missed was interesting :)

    Btw, thanks for also discussing in good faith :). And your example of awnings in Mexico (and how the most modern technologies are indeed not available/practical everywhere) is also a great contribution :).

  • Yeah, and on a discussion space it’s probably also best that you actually read the comments you’re replying to. He felt that the video wouldn’t teach him anything since he’s considers himself already knowing a lot about the subject.

    I just pointed out the irony of you being bothered about him not watching a clickbait video about a topic he believes he already knows more about that such a video can teach. And you then tell him the video makes points he already dismissed.

    He might be a bit abrasive how he entered the discussion, but if he works in the industry and knows why awnings are no longer a thing, and already dismisses the points the video made against more modern technologies since he seems to know what modern technologies are actually like… that does seem actually useful to this discussion. I get him not wanting to waste 20 minutes…

  • I’m kind of wondering what forums you visited.

    What however is a recurrent issue with young people on forums is them asking questions that have already been answered a million times. On sites like reddit & discord, that’s the norm, we need new content all the time, the 526th person asking just keeps the social media going.

    On forums however the etiquette is that you do some effort yourself, and something that gets asked that often is either a sticky, or a long running thread with all the information you could possibly want (but you’ll need to invest some of your own time to get the information from there). And if you then arrive on the forum, read nothing, and ask the same question… again… yeah… you won’t be welcomed with open arms.

  • “Their system is really good and years ahead of competition but there’s still a shit ton to improve”

    Is it years ahead of the competition? I thought the consensus was that Tesla is far behind, hence why Mercedes is the first brand to actually have some basic level 3 automomus driving actually to customers, and companies other than tesla are actually doing tests with robo taxis. Tesla is good at claiming it can do the above, other companies are the ones actually doing it.

    And indeed, there’s a shit ton to improve, which directly contradicts statements Elon Musk made, and keeps making. As others already pointed out, calling it Full Self Driving while letting it do that is basically suicide is just the beginning. Elon Musk regularly repeating that it’s there, it works etc… only to leave customers waiting for nearly 8 years now with a system that is not what Elon described, etc…

    Self driving is really hard, Tesla made some good progress on it, but Elon continuously lying about it should indeed get legal consequences. I’m hope this lawsuit teaches him to actually talk about things he actually knows are true, and not just what he wishes was true.

  • roflmao XD I’m sorry, but you trying to sound smart by saying how much energy a kg of U235 has, and then using the wrong unit (a unit of power, not of energy) is just the funniest thing ever XD.

    And yeah, nuclear waste is kind of solvable, but it will be an issue for at least a thousand years to come, and that’s a LONG time… I can get that environmentalists are like “yeah, this is just another way of shoving our current issues FAAAAR into the future”. Even if we just bury it all in some safe space…

  • Yes, it can do that. Occasionally. And then it’ll randomly fail in the stupidest ways.

    And i’ve actually looked at some Tesla FSD reviews, and every review seems to be of a “2 steps forward, 2 steps back” kind. Look at all these things that improved, and then mentioning all the things that used to work that are now broken again. (of course with a lot more focus on the things that have improved, since hype pays).

    I’m honestly wondering how self driving will evolve, it seems we’ve landed in the really hard last 10% of getting there, and it’s mostly come to a stand still.