• 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 21st, 2023


  • Ditched video games years back, partly because of RSI issues, partly because getting in to other things. For a while it was mountain biking, currently is music. Also a move that was sort of RSI related, but brought its own RSI issues which I got over eventually. Music is pretty social which is good, but also bad lol.

    I was into making for a while there, but have faded from that scene since I moved during the pandemic. Now all the makerspaces are 30 mins or more away and that’s kind of a dealbreaker. I don’t have the space or the funds for my own CNC or wood shop, plus not as motivated without the social aspect.

    Other one is skiing which I used to really be into. I’m kinda barely hanging on with that, one or two times a year. The traffic has gotten terrible and the whole thing is super expensive and hassly. I’m bored with local resorts and backcountry is somewhat deadly. It does give me a little motivation for fitness since this years trip will be pretty strenuous.

  • I’d leave the sorting up to the users. So for a post where 5 users tagged it as ‘baroque music’, and 5000 tagged it as ‘boring’, one could sort the feed by ‘total tags’ on a post indicating general interest (5005), or just ‘total tags I follow’ which might just be ‘baroque music’ (5). Or maybe reverse sort by tags so ‘boring’ stuff is towards the bottom.

    I’d think that ignoring tags would be a thing for users, so “libtards” or whatever could be ignored.

    Tag mods could ban problematic users, so someone could get banned for tagging ‘corporate lies’ where the mods think it doesn’t belong. Offenders could make their own ‘corporate liez’ tag though, I suppose.

    A tag hierarchy might be desirable, like everything tagged ‘baroque’ also getting ‘music’ automatically. Perhaps through agreements with the mods of each tag.

    ‘archive of our own’ I’ve heard has a solid system of tag moderation. Not sure it would be appropriate for a system like this.