• 8 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 13th, 2023


  • Holy fucking shit, you actually are people who are so immature and vengeful over arguments on the internet that you chose to derail a NaNoWriMo thread because you have beef with me personally.

    Because you actually and unironically are grown-ass adults who want to gang up on someone to get revenge over the internet. Over internet arguments

    Because that is the grown-up response, am I right? 😆

    Don’t actually stop. This is fucking hilarious.

    I tell people like you to grow up for a reason, and this is precisely that reason. Touch. Grass.

  • Well, that troll sure got what he wanted, didn’t he? You’re so hopped up on your anger and the smell of your own shit that you can’t even see that the guy you’re defending clearly already knew what NaNoWriMo was. You just created an image in your mind of a raging lolcow who can’t take criticism and can’t see that you’re actually looking in the mirror.

    But hey, you can have fun being an arrogant, ignorant blowhard who is too angry to listen to reason, or you can calm down for five seconds and actually listen to what you’re told. Your choice. 🤷

    EDIT: Oh lol, the troll even went and admitted it:

    Well, you still gonna sit there smelling your own farts, or are you actually going to stop and think about what’s actually happening in the thread?

  • Okay, let me spell this out to you like you are a 4-year-old:

    1. I made a Lemmy post asking what people are going to do for NaNoWriMo.

    2. The post was treated derisively as most people already know what it is and don’t like it, and the rest genuinely didn’t know what it is.

    3. Other people in the thread corrected them.

    4. One person decided to catch attitude with me about it and I promptly told them where to stuff it.

    5. You didn’t like that and started arguing with me.


    And you’re doing this because you think I’m upset other people don’t like NaNoWriMo or me, and you don’t understand I don’t care if they do or not.

    They have the right to like or hate whatever the fuck they want. I can’t make people like NaNoWriMo and I don’t want to make people like something I like. That’s their prerogative. As a fellow human being who shares this Earth with 8 billion other motherfuckers, I’m fine with that.

    What I’m not fine with is the notion that I have to be a doormat and let people walk all over me to appease your sensibilities, because you misunderstand the point of the thread.

    This thread is not for converting people to the ways of NaNoWriMo. I specifically was looking for other people who already know about it and were going to participate.

    I really, really don’t know how to make this clearer to you than it already is. It’s on you if you refuse to listen and it’s pretty apparent that refusing to listen is something that you’re good at.

  • You’re literally defending anti-intellectualist dumbshits throughout the thread. Most of your posts are vitriolic. You came in here with an attitude, and when others called you out on it, you assaulted them with the same tired old thought-terminating cliches and personal attacks every anti-intellectualist abuses others with. It’s old, it’s tiresome, it’s destructive, and you really really need to go do something better with your time on this earth than enabling people to be stupid with no social consequences.

    The mark of an intellectual! Making bold statements without evidence then suppressing any discussion of that lack of evidence.

    Maybe instead of bemoaning how little effort others are putting into understanding things, you should forge ahead with your own work.

    It just means you’re tossing your hands up at the complexity of understanding something. Not a very disciplined approach to understanding for the 1% Intellectual in the room.

    You’re doing it everywhere. And you don’t realize what you’re doing because you don’t think about what you’re saying, and you don’t think about what you’re saying because you don’t care about the truth. Like all anti-intellectuals.

    Well, the rest of us do, and we have a country to run and lives to live. You need to go touch grass. We’ll simply move on without you.