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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 27th, 2023


  • No, I think I’m far enough on the left to be aware of capitalist propaganda. In all fairness to you, my statement did not treat the subject with the appropriate nuance the subject should require.

    The DDR was socialist. However, it was state socialism, which in my opinion is not ideal and not something we should strive to replicate. Yes, the means of production were “owned by the people,” but the state tasks itself with protecting the people. And therein lies the problem with state socialism - the state is easily commandeered by a corrupt minority who then uses the governmental apparatus to run an authoritarian regime. Precisely what happened in the DDR and the USSR.

    We should be able to recognize the imperfections in prior socialist attempts, without immediately calling it “capitalist NGO propaganda.”

  • To be fair to people with legitimate celiac disease - many factories process multiple products and don’t have to disinfect and sterilize their equipment between products. They may run wheat one day and rice the next. If they don’t treat the equipment with a disinfectant certified to eliminate proteins, the rice may pick up gluten from the equipment.

    If they state they are gluten free, it (should) mean that they are taking necessary steps to isolate or clean their lines.

  • Are you glad because I’m not very inventive, or because my description demonstrates I’m disturbed?

    And I have so many additional questions.

    1. Do they feed this secretion to the live young?
    2. If yes, wouldn’t that technically make them mammals?
    3. Is the milk harvested before or after live birth?
    4. If before, where is egg/larva sack, anatomically?
    5. If in abdomen, how separate are these organs - in other words, are we talking like milk sack, reproductive sack - stick the needle filter too far one way and you’ve missed the milk and got larvae - or is it like a liquefied mess in there, and that’s why they need the filter?

    I can go on, but man this is weird…

  • Yes, but …

    Setting aside the polarized nature of named generations, as a class; for these are entirely arbitrary and designed to create polarization …

    There’s fun theory on the “Gen X are forgotten” meme. Yes yes, you Gen Xers got shafted, here’s a cookie 🍪 Please hear me out.

    Most people fall on the cusps of their “generation” and Gen X is no different - in this case, you’re either old enough to identify with boomers, and are shouting “snowflake millennial” with them; or you’re young enough to identify with millennials, but still too old to identify with Gen Z, so you’re shouting “cringe zoomer” with the millennials, they who are cuspers themselves and too old to identify with Gen Z. The quintessential Gen Xer is uncommon, but exceptionally kind. You always know when one is around though, because they are quick with a self deprecation point out that Gen X was “forgotten again.” 😉

    The sad thing is that many of the so-called boomers are being replaced by Gen Xers. And the millennials shouting the same inter-generational slurs will eventually take the throne of generational bully.

    On the other hand, there is hope inspired by this meme - all we need to do to stop inter-generational trauma is stop perpetrating it.

  • Yeah kind of - I think “a complete body” is neither necessary or sufficient to make one a “human being.”

    For example, there are plenty of murderers, rapists, and pedos with “complete bodies,” that have entirely lost their humanity in commission of their crimes against humanity. (However, I will always argue that this can never be a justification to exact cruelty upon them, as we necessarily lose our humanity in that process).

    And there are so many people with “incomplete” bodies who are amazingly beautiful and strong human beings.

  • I appreciate what you’re saying here - people come in all shapes and sizes, with different abilities, limb counts, etc. Every one is a human being deserving respect and dignity.

    But OP didn’t say “a complete human being” - it said “a complete human skeleton.”

    If an individual is missing a limb, by birth or by accident, they don’t have a complete skeleton. It’s a plain fact. Doesn’t mean they are any less human.