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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 9th, 2023

  • If you’re talking about being able to regain access with no local backups (even just a USB key sewn into your clothing) your going to need to think carefully about the implications if someone else gets hold of your phone, or hijacks your number. Anything you can do to recover from the scenario is a way an attacker can gain access. Attempting to secure this via SMS is going to ne woefully insecure.

    That being said, there are a couple of approaches you could consider. One option is to put an encrypted backup on an sftp server or similar and remember the login and passwords, another would be to have a trusted party, say a family member or very close friend, hold the emergency codes for access to your authentication account or backup site.

    Storing a backup somewhere is a reasonable approach if you are careful about how you secure it and consider if it meets your threat model. The backup doesn’t need to contain all your credentials, just enough to regain access to your actual password vault, so it doesn’t need to be updated often, unless that access changes. I would suggest either an export from your authentication app, a copy of the emergency codes, or a text file with the relevant details. Encrypt this with gpg symmetric encryption so you don’t have to worry about a key file, and use a long, complex, but reconstructable passphrase. By this I mean a passphrase you remember how to derive, rather than trying to remember a high entropy string directly, so something like the second letter of each word of a phrase that means something to you, a series of digits that are relevant to you, maybe the digits from your first friend’s address or something similarly pseudo random, then another phrase. The result is long enough to have enough entropy to be secure, and you’ll remember how to generate it more readily than remembering the phrase itself. It needs to be strong as once an adversary has a copy of the file they jave as long as they want to decrypt it. Once encrypted, upload it to a reliable storage location that you can access with just a username and password. Now you need to memorize the storage location, username, password and decryption passphrase generator, but you can recover even to a new phone.

    The second option is to generate the emergency, or backup, codes to your authentication account, or the storage you sync it to, and have someone you trust keep them, only to be revealed if you contact them and they’re sure it’s you. To be more secure, split each code into two halves and have each held by a different person.

  • While I agree with most people here that finding a keyboard and screen would be the easiest option, you do have a couple of other options:

    • Use a preseed file A preseed lets the installer run completely automatically, without user intervention. Get it to install a basic system with SSH and take it from there. You’ll want to test the install in a VM, where you can see what’s going on before letting it run on the real server. More information here: https://wiki.debian.org/DebianInstaller/Preseed

    • Boot from a live image with SSH Take a look at https://wiki.debian.org/LiveCD in particular ‘Debian Live’. It looks like ssh is included, but you’d want to check the service comes up on boot. You can then SSH to the machine and install to the harddrive that way. Again, test on a VM until you know you have the image working, and know how to run the install, then write it to a USB key and boot the tsrget server from that.

    This all assumes the target server has USB or CD at the top of its boot order. If it doesn’t you’ll have to change that first, either with a keyboard and screen, or via a remote management interface sych as IPMI.

  • Check the linked article, the issue is around how information that is technically true but presented in certain ways can influence people. They found that headlines that, for instance, said someone had died after being vaccinated had a significant effect on people’s intention to get vaccinated themselves, despite complications being very rare.

    Basically people are easy to influence, and you don’t need to outright lie to do it, just presenting facts in an unbalanced way will do it. Many would call that lieing too, but it’s by omission rather than by fabrication.

  • notabot@lemm.eetoxkcd@lemmy.worldxkcd #2942: Fluid Speech
    1 month ago

    Turning ‘potato’ into ‘puhtaytuh’ is an example of what they’re talking about. Saying ‘puhtaytuh’ involves less mouth movement than saying ‘potato’.

    Try using ‘hot potato’ in a sentence and you’ll probably notice that the glottal stop at the end of ‘hot’ gets toned down or dropped. The ‘t’ sound will still be there, but your tounge wont move as much as if you say ‘hot’ on it’s own.

  • notabot@lemm.eeto196@lemmy.blahaj.zoneRule
    1 month ago

    I reckon it won’t be long before we can just replace these sorts of inages with a short prompt and just have an AI generate the image on demand. We can swap bandwidth usage for energy usage instead. I’m not sure that’s a good trade, but with the way the internet is going that just makes it more likely to happen.

  • The article says:

    The photons travel through a resonant metasurface, where they mingle with a pump beam.

    From that, I think it’s suggesting it needs a separate beam of photons to amplify the signal, much like a transistor needs a supply current to amplify the signal it gets.

    They also say:

    This new tech also captures the visible and non-visible (or infrared) light in one image as you look through the ‘lens.’

    Which sounds like it produces an image showing both the IR and visible spectrum in the visible range.

    Mind you, re-readind it, most of the article just talks about IR, so I’m not certain what it’s actually doing. It could just be transparent to the visible spectrum. It wouldn’t be much good for driving if it did that though, the windscreen blocks a lot of IR and you’d need IR headlights!

  • notabot@lemm.eeto196@lemmy.blahaj.zoneRule
    1 month ago

    I was going to roll my eyes at another “is this loss?” comment and move on, but then I looked at the strip again, and yes ot is. How did it get everywhere like this?

    We could save so much bandwidth by replacing all loss graphics with the string “122L” and a short explanation of the specific circumstances.

  • Remember to look after yourself. When you’re already calm and happy within yourself it’s easier to be ‘successful’ in whatever you’re trying to do without burning out, which makes it easier to be calm and happy, creating a positive spiral.

    That professor who is happy, calm and confident? He’s had a great weekend skiing/hiking/playing with the kids or grandkids/generally looking after themselves by unwinding and enjoying themselves. He’s calm because his mind is clear and he has the energy he needs to work and confident because he knows he’s good at what he does and trusts himself. That might not be your professor exactly, but they’re examples from profs I’ve had in the past.

    Do yourself a favor, take half an hour out today and do something positive to improve your own well-being. Take a walk somewhere green, write a list of all the things you need to do that are bothering you, contact a friend you haven’t spoken to in a while just to say hi, if you’ve got some slack time in your week see if there’s some voluntry work you could enjoy doing, start learning a new skill. Just pick something and do it, even if you’d rather be sitting in a dark corner ignoring the world. Keep doing it. Things can and will get better if you push them in that direction. Good luck!