Yes, it is unprivileged. But the mp0 is defined in the 107.conf (107 is the containerID).
- conf
arch: amd64
cores: 2
features: keyctl=1, nesting=1
hostname: dockge
memory: 2048
mpO: /media/8TB HDD
net0: name=eth0, bridge=vmbr0, hwaddr=06: FB: 9B: 82: 17 : 58 , ip=dhcp, type=veth
onboot: 1
ostype: debian
rootfs: m2 ssd 4TB:vm—107—disk—0, size=18G
swap: 512
tags: proxmox—helper—scripts
unprivileged: 1
unused0: local—1vm:vm—107—disk—0
Is this not enough?
I will watch the video, maybe this will help. Thanks
I am also - and always will be - a joplin-user and thought about outsourcing the tasks/todos. Was looking for selfhostable, opensource alternative with a mobile app (iOS) but it was harder to find sth than i expected.
These were my candidates:
SiYuan -> selfhosting does not work with apps (web only)
Anytype -> did not get the server to run (there are a lot of variables in the dockercompose.yaml und .env)
Affine -> there are no mobile apps at the moment
Logseq -> no selfhosting
Now i try to get Appflowy to run on my server:
BTT: For shoppinglist i use kitchenowl, for collaboration mostly nextcloud.