• 1 Post
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: December 5th, 2023


  • Thanks for the very thorough response! I will absolutely check this out. I would say I have a fair bit of experience in OO programming. A decent amount from JS and also a good bit from C#, which I dabbled in for a good while during my “I’m going to make a game in unity” phase haha.

    I know enough C++ to get myself in trouble, but it seems every time I have to use it I get super frustrated that things aren’t as simple as they are in other languages I’m familiar with. That, and I never seem to know the exact terminology to look up my particular issue (which is half the battle anyways).

    I actually needed to write a UDF in C for my mariadb instance just the other day. It ended up taking me several hours for something that would have taken me just minutes in JS or C#. It ended up being a pointer + memory allocation issue. Basically I wasn’t clearing the allocated memory and resetting the index between function calls. It also frustrates me to no end that I can’t just array.push() to add a new char to the end of a char array lol.

    I also wrote a VST with Juce in C++ a few years back. I got it working eventually, but God I remember it being an absolute nightmare.

    I guess really I have a hard time understanding when and why it’s even necessary to use pointers etc since that stuff has been abstracted away in the higher level languages I know. It seems like you could essentially get the same functionality by just knowing when things are passed by value vs passed by reference.

  • Piggybacking on this:

    I’ve been wanting to learn C++ as well. I am very experienced with JavaScript, and also am very fluent with Arduino. I’ve messed around with actual C++ before but I get lost with all the pointers, header files, and memory allocation stuff.

    Are there any resources y’all would recommend to someone who has all of the programming fundamentals, but wants to learn the specifics of C++?

  • I ended up just making my own helper container for authelia. It can generate a link that expires after a set time and only allows a set number of users to access. Then I can just give the link to whoever I want to join and they can fill in their own username and pwd. It then adds them to the authelia user db with the correct groups and PW hashing. Only issue is I have to manually restart authelia for the changes to take effect. Eventually I want to see if I can automate that.

    I’m still working on editing the configuration through the app though. I want to be able to change the access control rules, etc.

    As far as having the services behind authelia automatically detect and login the user, that will depend on the service, but authelia does pass user credentials and login status in the request headers. Many of the services I host were created myself, so it’s pretty trivial to have it automatically “log in” from the authelia sign on.

  • As ikidd mentioned, definitely speed and access. It’s just a react web-app. There’s no VM required, and it’s not streaming a video capture of a desktop. I’m actually amazed at how performant it is. It loads almost instantly and feels like a regular desktop, even on mobile.

    Even with all the windows open in the screenshot and streaming a transcoded video, it still uses less memory than a single open YouTube tab.

  • One of the main reasons I ended up building a home server was that one of my drives failed in my main PC, and I lost a lot of my data (I know, I know). When I built my server, I intended it to be used as a backup. I was able to recover most of my data, but a lot of the filenames and directory structure were lost. I ended up just dumping all of this onto my server.

    I wanted a way to go through all my recovered files and organize them. I needed to be able to play any unnamed music files and name them + put them in the appropriate directory. I also produce music so some of the files couldn’t just be re-downloaded. Similarly with any text/video/pictures/etc.

    I’m running Ubuntu server and I can’t watch videos or listen to audio via a shell, so I needed a front end. I initially tried file browser but it was slow and clunky, and I couldn’t have multiple directories open at once for dragging and dropping.

  • Thanks!

    I tried nextcloud initially. It seemed a bit bulky and slow for me, with a lot of extra stuff I wasn’t going to use. I know you can disable features and customize it, but it just wasnt really a good fit for me.

    This initially started as an exercise to find out what is possible and see what I could manage to do by myself. As I progressed, I started realizing the possibilities and am so far very happy with how it’s turning out.

    I honestly didn’t realize there were so many existing alternatives (orb, ArozOS, etc). However, this is built entirely in react and can therefore load and run any JavaScript/HTML easily as a plugin. I think it’s a bit more modular than the alternatives in that sense.

    Either way it’s been a fun project to work on, and it fits my needs exactly how I want.

    After seeing all the responses I’ll very likely make it all open source so maybe others can contribute and customize it for themselves. Although I am a bit shy to release my code to public scrutiny lol 😂. I have a bad habit of not leaving comments and I’m sure there are plenty of places where people will point out flaws and wonder why the hell I did x instead of y…

  • Thanks!

    Another reason for the project was that I too wanted a desktop experience while also being being able to access remotely. I just didn’t want to open any “scary” ports on my server lol. I can throw this whole thing behind 2fa and it’s still completely isolated in a docker container, thus it has as much or as little privilege as I want.

    I actually can ssh into my main server through this, if desired, without opening any ssh ports publicly.