Just an ordinary myopic internet enjoyer.

Can also be found at lemm.ee, lemmy.world, and Kbin.social.

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 15th, 2023


  • I realized why I didn’t think of base 2 in my previous reply. For one, hexadecimal (base 16) often used in really low-level programming, as a shorthand for working in base 2 because base 2 is unwieldy. Octal (base 8) was also used, but not so much nowadays. Furthermore, even when working in base 2, they’re often grouped into four bits: a nibble. A nibble corresponds to one hexadecimal digit.

    Now, I suppose that we’re just going to use powers of two, not base-2, so maybe it’d help if we do a comparison. Below is a table that compares some powers of two, the binary prefixes, and the system I described earlier:

    Decimal value Value with corresponding binary prefix Hexadecimal Value Value with prefixes based on powers of 16
    20 1 1 1 1
    24 16 16 10 16
    28 256 256 100 256
    210 1 024 1 Ki 400 1 024
    212 4 096 4 Ki 1000 4 096
    216 65 536 64 Ki 1 0000 1 myri
    220 1 048 576 1 Mi 10 0000 16 myri
    224 16 777 216 16 Mi 100 0000 256 myri
    228 268 435 456 256 Mi 1000 0000 4 096 myri
    230 1 073 741 824 1 Gi 4000 0000 16 384 myri
    232 4 294 967 296 4 Gi 1 0000 0000 1 dyri
    236 68 719 476 736 32 Gi 10 0000 0000 16 dyri
    240 1 099 511 627 776 1 Ti 100 0000 0000 256 dyri
    244 17 592 186 044 416 16 Ti 1000 0000 0000 4 096 dyri
    248 281 474 976 710 656 256 Ti 1 0000 0000 0000 1 tryri
    250 1 125 899 906 842 624 1 Pi 4 0000 0000 0000 4 tryri
    252 4 503 599 627 370 496 4 Pi 10 0000 0000 0000 16 tryri
    256 72 057 594 037 927 936 64 Pi 100 0000 0000 0000 256 tryri
    260 1 152 921 504 606 846 976 1 Ei 1000 0000 0000 0000 4 096 tryri
    264 18 446 744 073 709 551 616 16 Ei 1 0000 0000 0000 0000 1 tesri

    Each row of the table (except for the rows for 210 and 250) would be requiring a new prefix if we’re to be working with powers of 2 (four apart, and more if it’d be three apart instead). Meanwhile, using powers of 16 would require less prefixes, but would require larger numerals before changing over to the next prefix (a maximum of 164 - 1 = 216 - 1 = 65 535)

    One thing that works to your argument’s favor is the fact that 1024 = 210. But I think that’s what caused this entire MiB vs. MB confusion in the first place.

    However, having said all that, I would have been happy with just using an entirely different set of prefixes, and kept the values based on 210.

  • I think the biggest mistake there is using SI prefixes (such as kilo, mega, giga, tera) with bytes (or bits) to refer to the power of two near a power of ten in the first place. Had computer people had used other names for 1024 bytes and the like, this confusion between kibibytes and kilobytes could have been avoided. Computer people back then could have come up with a set of base·16 prefixes and used that for measuring data.

    Maybe something like 65,536 bytes = 1,0000 (base 16) = 1 myri·byte; ‭4,294,967,296 bytes = 1,0000,0000 (base 16) = dyri·byte; and so on in groups of four hex digits instead of three decimal digits (16¹² = tryri·byte, 16¹⁶ = tesri·byte, etc). That’s just one system I pulled out of my ass (based on the myriad, and using Greek numbers to count groups of digits), and surely one can come up with a better system.

    Anyways, while it’d take me a while to recognize one kilobyte as 1000 bytes and not as 1024 bytes, I think it’s better that ‘kilo’ always means 1000 times something in as many situations as possible.

  • That sounds amazing, to be honest. One major concern I’ve got is the initial setting up. That same friend of mine (the one who exorcised my system) already has a NixOS system for their NAS, and seeing the config files kinda scared me. However, as far as I’ve understood their explanation, it’s basically a “set-up once and forget about it” affair. It’s still quite a departure from the way I’ve learned to do things though, so it’s still intimidating.

    To be honest, maybe I’m just waiting for that friend to be somewhat of an expert in NixOS, so that they can push me into using it, lol!

  • Initially, I chose Linux for it being gratis, but as I’ve used it more and more, I started to appreciate its freedom. It’s really kinda moot though since I first gotten exposed to Linux because I had to. Our uni adopted Linux (some faculties used Linux Mint, others used Ubuntu) for their school computer laboratories after they couldn’t pay for their Windows licenses. In a way, I indeed got into Linux because it is gratis.

    I started daily-driving Linux when my Win7 desktop broke, and had to use an ancient, hand-me-down, laptop. It can barely run Win7, and so I tried installing Ubuntu on it (funny in hindsight though, I should have used a lightweight Linux distro). Then a friend of mine introduced me to Manjaro. It worked well for quite a while, until the HDD finally croaked (it’s had a long life of nearly a decade). I stuck with Manjaro when I got my present desktop, but that same friend of mine who introduced me to Manjaro pushed me to using Arch despite my protests. I would have wanted to switch to Endeavour instead since I was intimidated by pure Arch. But since they offered to do the “installation and set-up process” with me, I relented. (The scare quotes are there because it was not an ordinary installation process: my friend basically exorcised the Manjaro out of my system.)

    I have a few distros I would like to try, off the top of my head: EndeavourOS, Fedora Silverblue, and NixOS. However, I don’t think I’m a distro hopper. I would prefer that I stay with a distro unless I get pushed off it for one reason or another. Perhaps, if I’ve got an extra computer to test things out, I might be a bit more adventurous and go distro-hopping using that extra machine.

    To date, I’ve only had a bit of experience with Linux Mint and Ubuntu, and a bit more experience with Manjaro and Arch Linux. I don’t think fairly limited experience with those allows me to pick a favorite, but I suppose despite its reputation for being hard to use, I quite like Arch Linux. Its package manager as well its repositories really does it for me. It’s changed the way I think about installing programs, as well as updating them.

    Currently, I use Arch and Win10 in a dual-boot system. After I’ve gotten myself an AMD graphics card, I spend my time on my Arch system almost exclusively.

  • Back when I tried it, I only had it in one device–which is great, since I dunno if I can do it on more than one device, let alone worry how a hardened Firefox mobile would even look like.

    I actually don’t remember if the settings change with updates. But I suppose they don’t (as they don’t either with Librewolf). What I meant with “hard to maintain” is basically keeping note that the hardened Firefox config doesn’t behave like vanilla Firefox (and isn’t expected to). Making some temporary changes to accommodate a “necessary evil” website, you’d have to make note what setting you “temporarily” have to change it to, what the hardened config should be for that setting, and most importantly: remembering to change it back to the hardened config.

    So, I guess it’s not really a matter of maintaining the config than being aware of all those config changes (from default). With LibreWolf, I’m just brushing it off as “yeah, that’s how LibreWolf works.”

  • Yeah, I remember the IT department at work back then (circa 2006) recommending Opera to me. It had features that are more or less mainstream now, like tab reloading on a timer, and all that while running smoothly than any other browser I’ve used at that time.

    Since then, I’ve tried a lot of browsers like Vivaldi and Maxthon, but for some reason or the other, like being bloated, or being taken over by entities I don’t trust, had found a reason to move to a different browser. Currently using LibreWolf, and I hope I won’t have any reason to switch browsers anytime soon.

  • My first computer was a hand-me-down Toshiba T3100. I was around ten years old at the time, in the late 90’s. The portable computer, was way far different from any computer I’ve seen thus far. It also came with a printer, but I don’t think I managed to make it work. The portable computer only had a 20MiB hard drive, and memory that can be measured in kibibytes. Its hard drive has already been reformatted, and had MS-DOS 6.21, Windows 3.11, as well as some DOS‌ games installed in it.

    I didn’t really bother with the DOS‌ games, but I’ve had a lot of fun playing Chips Challenge on Windows. However, a huge chunk of time went into me just messing around with QBasic. Later on, when I had programming classes, I installed Turbo Basic, Turbo Pascal, and Turbo C in there for homework and projects.

    It could have lasted far longer but I couldn’t resist myself opening it up. I didn’t have a lot of trouble opening it up, but had a bit of trouble putting it back together. It didn’t survive my prying though, and it got shoved into the storage.

    Just recently, a few years ago, I found out that it’s a bit of a collector’s item, and was even expensive back when it was new. I couldn’t have known it at that time, nor would I have cared, but I still regret not taking care of it a bit more.