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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • so-called “gravity batteries” is pretty much exactly a dam with a mini-dam/reservoir at the bottom. When there is an excess, you run the motor to reverse the waterflow to pump uphill into a highe-elevation water retention pond/mini-dam.

    This also helps reduce the amount of outflow water “lost” due to high-demand. Since you could take almost a day to fill the bottom reservoir and spend “wind”/solar to pump back the “lost” water downstream back into the higher-level reservoir.

    Even if things are inefficient wind/solar are “renewable”, so you can keep “wasting” excess to replenish the dam and still make enough money back ( think in-terms of drought, flooding, windy, sunny, cloudy, etc ) you can basically keep the high-output “system” always topped-up with water. And still supply water + electricity as it is needed. There is no “downside”.

    Not everyone agrees. So opinions can differ.

  • maniii@lemmy.worldtoLemmy Shitpost@lemmy.worldStudy hack
    9 days ago

    If you use Google Meet or Zoom or some kind of Desktop recording software, you can record yourself talking between blank or paused video while taking the online course and have the transcript + your own voiced notes with the recording as review material + courseware.

    If you take the trouble of revisiting , revising, re-note-taking you might end up with better understanding and even self-generated workbook + answers too ( including your mistakes and what is a false trail or false path and the correct approach ) .

  • In xenophobic Japan, a foreigner especially an African is allowed to massacre Japanese people with zero consequences. The same problem will exist if a westerner enters Japan and massacres Japanese citizenry with zero consequence.

    It was a very anti-Japanese ( replace Japanese with Jewish or any other ethnic or cultural or minority group ) game centered in Japan. ( Butsu buddha statue is expressly forbidden in Japan from pictorial / digital / non-real-life representations but Ubisoft decided to make a digital 3d model and place it in AC:S) with blatant disrespect and cultural-dissonance.

    If it was Yagyu Juubei and Naoe or some similar Japanese main-characters there would be almost no backlash . Edit2: complete rejection as non-immersive and non-Japanese behaviour.

    Edit: Listen to gamers and sensible people who actually care for a good Ubisoft game. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TUu7-i1kMyg

    Edit2: Listen to a Japanese perspective to the problems Ubisoft has caused Japan. An entire country offended for greedy corpos and fake DEI messaging. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-GYauJy9fJ0

  • Any sanitation worker, sewage diver, drain block remover, in most of the third-world countries.

    We need city drainages to be repaired, cleaned, maintained, and managed with draconian safety, extremely well-compensated, hazardpay up the wazoo workers comp and complete-healthcare all covered for life. So many workers are just abused for the lifeline work that keep a city’s arteries from getting clogged and flowing smoothly.

    I saw how Korean drain-workers do it with high-pressure water jets and incredible efficiency and knowhow talent of their vital job. I wish we didnt have the corruption that prevents this type of training, trained worker, worker pride in the essential labour that they do.

    Same goes for recycling and reducing waste. We humans don’t do nearly enough and the Top-20 major corporations that cause 80% of worldwide pollutants go unchecked and unpunished.

  • So, since this is related to your course and a required part of assignments, get things in writing,

    1. Let the Dorm and ISP know that you need an exception due to coursework.

    2. It might be in your best interest to temporarily invest in your own internet,I think 5G might have low enough latency to manage the connection.

    If all this is for one semester until you move back ? Just get a cheap mini-PC install pfSense or any other firewall/router software to isolate all your devices and Wifi router from the rest of the network. I believe some people have mentioned MAC-spoofing and TTL-reset as ways to bypass detection. And if anyone asks, you can show your written communications and your course requirements.

    Always be on the safe side when it comes to dealing with academics and private orgs.

    There might be a Dept Counselor or Rep you can discuss about your requirements. Even professors can help with some of these kind of things.

  • maniii@lemmy.worldtoTechnology@lemmy.worldStudent dorm does not allow wifi routers
    27 days ago

    Mighty unpopular opinion here.

    OP you are there at the Uni to learn to grow and pass the course+exams. If you need to do extracurricular activities, please setup time at home, travel home to do those things.

    If home is faraway and you still want to do it, find a reliable off-campus-non-dorm location and do your stuff from there.

    Your main objective is to get through Uni without falling behind and managing your time and effort wisely. If you fail Uni because you focused too much on non-essential activities, be a responsible adult and accept the results of your adult decisions.

    Edit: I never said that OP shouldn’t do non-Uni activities. Just that time+effort has to be MANAGED between the two. Life isnt fair and life doesnt give two shits if you fuck up. That is what being an adult means.

    Edit2: I can see people commenting on Universities imposing mandatory dorm fees. Do you people not choose which university to apply and get accepted? Did you not think…“this uni is very strict, or this uni has a lot of on-campus resources, or this uni has great course-materials, etc etc” … and it would also include “this uni dorm is optional/mandatory and I can live there cheap or live outside expensive or it is bum-ducking nowhere but fields/forests/wilderness” … you did choose that uni to attend and paid up ?