You’re the guy who was complaining about boring comics, which is fair, but don’t post uncredited comics!
Works fine for me, but I do not have complicated needs, thankfully. I agree that if you have many appointments in a day it doesn’t work well.
And also
It’s a piece of shit, and looking at it made me stupider.
Where do you buy your stash? Good stuff, yes?
Compound interest.
I didn’t read the whole post.
Rugby here is never over.
We won the rugby
This means that the oil is going to run out in our lifetime.
Well, not in mine. So good luck with that!
I slap it against the door frame as I leave the bathroom.
Weigh less, but your mass slightly increases, so maybe it cancels out.
Thanks, that was also a bit long so I had to kinda skim it, but I get the idea. Next time please add more cat pictures.
(I’m just fucking with you, I appreciate your effort)