• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023

  • I just gave an example of running where it was about pushing, not if someone crossed a line. They even changed their decision after an appeal when other people looked at the same situation again.

    And sports like football or hockey… Have you ever watched those sports? There are subjective calls all the time. It’s objective criteria, but a human still has to interpret things like handball, which depends on if your arm is in an “unnatural position” or not. Those are largely subjective decisions and there is controversy around them all the time.

    With breakdancing they are of course also judging specific criteria:

    The winner is determined by a panel of judges, who score each performance based on five criteria each worth a fifth of the point maximum

    It’s really not that different.

  • I’m not sure what the law ought to be though. I personally think a 16 year old should be legally able to have sex with their 15 year old partner. Maybe in england the difference in age matters. But if not, and a 15 year old legally cannot consent, is this hypothetical 16 year old now a rapist? That doesn’t sound right to me.

    A 19 year old having sex with a 12 year old? That is clearly wrong and that’s rightfully already illegal here. But it’s not automatically rape because Dutch law does recognize consent from people under 16. I have no idea at what age people can give consent though. I’m not sure if there is a minimum. But if the 12 year old in this situation did not consent then it would obviously be rape, just to make that clear.

    A question: what is the situation in other countries with high schoolers having sex? It must happen all the time that some 18 year old is dating a 15 year old and that they have sex. I think the overwhelming majority of Dutch people would not want that to be illegal, let alone considered rape.

  • Why wouldn’t you want an expert to run the economy is such trying times?

    Because this so-called expert is a danger to the the common Argentine. His way of “fixing” the economy is by growing inequality, privatizing key government duties and destroying unions.

    I personally disagree with him on many points, such as:

    he has called for the elimination or merging of major ministries such as the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Social Development, the Ministry of Women, Genders and Diversity, and the Ministry of Health.

    Milei articulates a critical view of the role of the state in economic matters, calling it “the greatest enemy of wealth”

    Milei wants to privatize public health care providers

    Milei has expressed support for legalizing organ trade

    Also, he is president of the country, not just the economy. I totally disagree with him on points like:

    A supporter of law-and-order politics, Milei endorses the unrestricted ownership of firearms

    Milei opposes both abortion and euthanasia … Milei holds that abortion is morally indefensible, even in cases of rape

    He intends to eliminate the law that makes comprehensive sex education (CSE) in schools mandatory, which he has linked to brainwashing, and said that students are “hostages of a system of state indoctrination”


    regarding your comment:

    So let me hear it. What would you do to so wonderfully fix the economy that an expert is getting all wrong?

    This is a fallacy. It is of course not necessary to know the right answer in order to know that another answer is wrong. I might not know what 483 × 749 is, but I know it’s not 10. Or 100. Or 1000.

  • Around 2004 we had some people over for a card game night. We were all sitting on our house’s big terrace, where we had also put this type of lamp. The terrace was open to the outside and the lamp attracted a large amount of bugs, which would burn and start to smell, the same smell you are remembering.

    To stop this from happening, my brother decided to put a kind of glass plate on top of the lamp as a cover. Initially this worked great and the smell was gone.

    10 minutes later, the glass had gotten so hot that it exploded violently, shooting shards of glass all across the terrace. It was a lesson learned.

  • It is probably a politically popular move in South Africa and especially considering the many problems South Africa is facing I understand your skepticism. However, it also makes historical sense SA does this.

    Israel was one of the very few countries that continued its relationship with South Africa during apartheid. Israel would buy raw materials and South Africa weapons as well as technologies like nuclear. It’s the reason why South Africa actually had nuclear weapons for a while and still have nuclear energy (pretty sure still the only African country). Israel also helped them make petrol for vehicles out of coal, which sounds insane but was a way to seal with the sanctions against South Africa that prevented them from importing oil. The apartheid regime undoubtedly lasted longer because of Israel, and South Africans haven’t forgotten this.

    The support for Palestine is widespread in South Africa because of this as well as the parallels between the apartheid regime and the Israeli government.

    So yeah, it makes political sense for SA to take Israel to court like this, but I honestly think a big reason for it is historical and showing genuine support for Palestine.

  • It would be if it were true, but they’re just working on forming a coalition to create a majority in parliament and that always takes time. As a Dutch person I really don’t agree with the idea that Wilders is having a particularly hard time forming a coalition. If anything it’s going more smoothly than I expected. I think in a month or two we’ll see prime minister Wilders sitting next to Willy (the king).