• 11 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • I hate this so much. I had to call a clinic the other day to ask about medical test results. None of the options on the menu were for that. So I clicked 1 for appointments. Then my options were to reschedule an appointment or to cancel an appointment. No option to go back. I clicked 0 and it hung up on me. Called back, clicked schedule an appointment and it told me to hang up and go online. Fuck me.

  • I saw a video by Casual Geographic recently where he hit on the same thing. A lot of things about cats that differ from domesticated dogs and other animals are actually pretty advantageous to us.

    • They don’t (usually) share their kills with us. If your cat is out there keeping the rodent population down, it’s kind of nice that they keep that to themselves and don’t share a bunch of useless, gross, carcasses with you.

    • They hunt independently. Kind of goes with the above, but again it’s nice that they just have that on lock down and don’t need you to be involved in them doing their jobs.

    • The reason we have them and not something like snakes is because first, they’re not generally a threat to us, and also they are warm blooded and need to eat more than a cold blooded animal, which is also a benefit when keeping pest animals in check.

    Basically we were like “hey these things are hungry little murder machines that are basically indifferent to us - let’s keep them around.”

  • Threads where people find out they’re allergic to something or colorblind are my favorite. I’m always amazed that people can live their whole lives just accepting something because they don’t know any different and haven’t talked to anyone about it.

    Seeing someone go “wait, strawberries aren’t spicy??” or “you guys are joking right? those images look the same!” always makes my day.

  • One of my wife’s friends got persistently sick last year. She just could not get better. Sometimes she’d be fine for a week or two, but then she’d get sick again. Eventually it came down to her needing to document everything she did each day - and they discovered she was getting sick from warm butter.

    Turns out her mom had come over at some point and saw that she refrigerated butter and said “you don’t need to do that, it’s so much easier to use when warm and it doesn’t go bad.” Yeah, that’s the case if you eat a stick of butter in a few short days. But you can’t leave it out for more than that or it starts getting filled with all sorts of germs.