Programmer and sysadmin (DevOps?), wannabe polymath in tech, science and the mind. Neurodivergent, disabled, burned out, and close to throwing in the towel, but still liking ponies 🦄 and sometimes willing to discuss stuff.

  • 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 26th, 2023

  • The current state of AI chatbots, assigns a “confidence level” to every piece of output. It signals perfectly well when and where they should look for more information… but humans have been pushing them to “output something, anything”, instead of excusing itself for not knowing something, or running some additional processes in order to look for the missing information.

    As of this year, Copilot has been running web searches to complement its lack of information, and Gemini is running both web searches, and iteratively self-checking its own answer in order to refine it (see “drafts”). It also seems like Gemini might be learning from humanity’s reactions to its wrong answers.

  • “Porn made of me”? You mean, by paying me to sign an agreement, or by drugging and/or forcing me…? Just to be perfectly clear: I’m not a photo.

    The video game doesn’t produce anything.

    Are we talking about the game’s video capture, or the feeling of wanting to puke onto that piece of shit until it drowns?

    What do you propose reduces… porn fakes?

    Something like “teaching your brat”. Porn fakes don’t even become a problem until they get distributed to others. Adults can go to jail, it works on some.

    My problem with machine learning porn is that it’s artless generic template spam clogging up my feed

    That… has more to do with tagging and filtering, rather than anything mentioned above.

    It’s also somewhat weird to diss the “template” of an AI output, when porn videos have settled on a template script for about half a century already. If anything, I’ve seen more variety from people shoving their prompts into some AI, than from porn producers all my life (japanese “not-a-porn” ingenuity excluded).

  • Not exactly.

    LLMs are predictive-associative token algorithms with a degree of randomness and some self-reflection. A key aspect is that anything can be a token, they can self-feed their own output, creating the basis for a thought cycle, as well as output control input for other algorithms. It remains to be seen whether the core of “(human) intelligence” is much more than that, and by how much.

    Stable Diffusion is a random image generator that refines its output based on perceptual traits associated with a prompt. It’s like a “lite” version of human dreaming, only with a super-human training set. Kind of an “uncanny valley” version of dreaming.

    It just so happens that both algorithms have been showcased at about the same time, and it’s the first time we can build a “set and forget” AI system that can both make decisions about its own next steps, and emulate human creativity… which has driven the hype into overdrive.

    I don’t think we’ll stop hearing about it, but I do think there is much more to be done, and it’s pretty much impossible to feed any of the algorithms with human experience data, without registering at least one human learning cycle, as in over many years from inside a humanoid robot.

  • Imaginary grenades.

    Check out the gaming industry, where a kid from the other side of the world can tell you how they will “kill your mom, r*pe your sister, and make you watch” (sic), just before killing and teabagging your corpse in-game. At some point the “it’s just a game” also stops holding water… and yet somehow most people are capable of differentiating the “tool” from the piece of shit using it.

    Regarding DUI laws, they’re also wrong, focusing on the effect instead of on the cause. AI is not the cause for generating deep fakes, just like DUI is not the cause for getting drunk, and games are not the cause for being a piece of shit.

    Ain’t it interesting how coming up with a consistent framework, makes it applicable to different areas of life?

  • That’s a lack of vision.

    I want… people to put on a VR set, and fuck off to their fantasy world instead of messing up IRL. I want creepy incels, rapists, and similar, to have a means to act out their creepiness without impacting real people’s lives. Even more, I want them to prefer their virtual fantasies, because they can control them with a push of a button, instead of brainwashing, gaslighting, grooming, drugging, and finding other ways to control real people.

    The faster that AI+VR gets more realistic and easier to use, the better for everyone.

  • The Tor network was designed for spies. In particular, for US&friends spies to have a plausible deniability when “phoning home”. It is pretty much guaranteed to have exit nodes with a traffic capacity of “whatever spies need × whatever amount is needed to preserve plausible deniability”.

    That means it doesn’t “desperately need” exit nodes, the required amount of exit nodes keeps being financed by the spy agencies involved. Overhead capacity just happens to be a nice thing for everyone, but is not a goal, so non-sponsored exit nodes that provide extra capacity, run all the risks, without any of the protections of some higher-ups waving any denounces away.

    If you think you can run an exit node as a non-sponsored/protected individual, go for it… but the chances are not in your favor. Donating to the Tor foundation is much safer, buy I don’t think they host exit nodes either, they just develop the software (which is also important).

    Relay nodes are mostly safe, since there is no way for you to know any of the traffic, and they don’t link your IP to any of it, while they do help with the overall robustness and capacity of the network. Relay nodes also add capacity when accessing hidden sites, without running any of the risks.

    “Obfuscating” means to make it hard to find out, while “hiding” means there is no way to find it out, at all.

    And you did make a new account, it’s visible in the “about” info. The account hasn’t had any other interactions either… but whatever.