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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 19th, 2023


  • Apparently you can save it to Google drive then download the Google drive program and make that folder available offline so it downloads it to the computer.

    1. When you setup the Google Takeout export choose Save in a Google Drive folder

    2. Install the Google Drive PC client (Drive for desktop)

    3. It will create a new drive (i.e. G:) in your explorer. Right click on the takeout folder and select “Make available offline”. All files in that folder will be downloaded by the Google Drive Desktop in the background, and you will be able to copy to another location, as they will be local files.

  • I keep everything behind a VPN so I don’t have to worry much about opening things up to the Internet. It’s not necessary about the fact that you’re probably fine but more so what the risk to you is if that device is compromised, ex: a NAS with important documents, or the idea that if that device is infected, what can that device access.

    You could expose your media server and not worry too much about that device but having it in a “demilitarized zone”, ensuring all your firewall rules are correct and that that service is always updated is more difficult than just one VPN that is designed to be secure from the ground up.

  • On Android and I believe IOS it’s a single connection. I would start with the basic functionality (also don’t create a tailscale account with GitHub bc it does weird things with sharing if you ever want to have multiple users).

    Once you’ve got the VPN and storage working I can think of two options to give you the functionality of 2 vpns

    1. tasker is an android app that can let you automate a lot. It might let you switch vpns when opening say your storage app and switch back a bit easier than toggling it in settings.
    2. setup your lap-server at home with an outgoing public VPN so traffic goes mobile device> tailscale> public VPN. Essentially acting like you’re home using your public VPN. This may take some tinkering to work properly, especially when you’re home on the same network. Plus you would definitely see a Network speed impact on your phone.