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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • You probably can give it a static ip through your router and block any access to the internet for it. Could even set up pihole to block the ads from coming in to any device. That said, it’s possible the TV has built in ads or error messages to show in place of the ads when offline/blocked, or may just not even work if offline for longer than x minutes/hours/days

  • Religious extremists: everyone should follow my religion, beliefs, morals, and rules or be punished

    Atheistic extremists: religion is dumb and should not have their beliefs taught as facts (creationism not evolution, etc), but people can believe what they want. Also, don’t give religious people preferential treatment (tax-free churches, absolved of crimes for being a “good Christian”, etc)

    I think “you must believe only my stuff” is intolerant, but “believe what you want, just don’t push it on others” is only intolerant because religion wants to be pushed on everyone else