• 23 Posts
Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: November 21st, 2023


  • The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) says U.S. agency USADA broke the global code by letting several athletes it had caught between 2011 and 2014 violating drugs rules go undercover and keep on competing without prosecution in exchange for information on other violators.

    US gold medals, 2000 to 2016:

    2000 - 37 (300 events)

    2004 - 36 (301 events)

    2008 - 36 (302 events)

    2012 - 48 (302 events)

    2016 - 46 (306 events)

    On one hand, we have clear US overperformance in gold medals from the 2012 and 2016 Olympics. On the other hand, we have proof that athletes CAUGHT DOPING between 2011 and 2014 were allowed to continue competing for years afterwards.

    If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, maybe it’s a duck?

  • What security fears? The West has completely obliterated medium-term leverage in high tech exports. We’ve single-handedly done something that multiple levels of Chinese government have failed to: force Chinese companies to use domestic vendors despite inferior performance and higher cost. We’ve single-handedly pushed Made in China 2025 into a success story, driven millions of dollars into research investment, and contributed billions in dollars in sales into Chinese companies that people wouldn’t even consider as vendors before.

    Huawei was desperately trying to sell their Ascend AI accelerators before and to no avail. Today? They’re swamped with orders. SMIC was barely usable except for research purposes and bottom-of-the-barrel development (and even research would prefer to use TSMC). Today? They’re shipping millions of units at 7nm.

    Globalization theory works to protect established powers so long as established powers continue to innovate, since newcomers have little incentive to invest in fields that established powers are both 1. Much more advanced in and 2. Constantly advancing in at a pace that’s difficult to catch up to.