meta (threads) will not support fediverse already. They said they will do in some later version. So for the completely practical part, you don’t need to do anything right now.
meta (threads) will not support fediverse already. They said they will do in some later version. So for the completely practical part, you don’t need to do anything right now.
meta is not here to promote open networks. They will do more harm than good. If you want to learn more about how google achieved it with the XMPP you can read the story here written by one of the core developers.
so you think that 2 governments would had started spending millions if 5 migrants had somehow been trapped in the seabed of the Mediterranean?
if you live in europe, the Mediterranean sea is you know, right next to you. And way much closer than the distance of the titanic to the shore in America, which is about 1000 nautical miles.
sure. It has nothing to do with the fact that in one of cases they are 5 billionaires while in the other one they are 750 poor migrants. No, totally not.
large companies and influential people are in the commercial platforms because of the ads. There is literally no reason for them to move in a place without ads.