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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 17th, 2023


  • Because capital gains taxes are only taken when a gain is realized. Me selling my 2 shares of Boeing will get taxed capital gains, but the person holding 200,000 shares and using them as collateral for untaxed loans will get no capital gains taxes assessed.

    Also because making gains in the market is one of the few ways a working class person can set themselves up for retirement (as fucked up as that is), so raising the tax would hurt them more unless you have a tiered structure like we do for income tax brackets.

  • This tax doesn’t affect anyone that actually works for a living

    The average general surgeon in France makes around 230,000 euros before bonuses and all, so there are surgeons out there making 400k euros. I’m pretty sure they work for a living. You also underestimate how hard highly paid corporate executives work. You might not VALUE their work, but most of them work their asses off (even if what they are doing is counterproductive or stupid or worthless).

    This tax doesn’t affect very many people who work for a living, but the people who are wealthy enough to actually not work for a living at all will not be affected either, since this isn’t a tax on wealth.

  • Seriously, that’s how much a doctor makes while carrying $300k in student loans. Yes, these are US numbers, and I’m sure France has both lower salaries and much lower or no student loans. But the point stands that $400k is a really high salary but not necessarily wildly wealthy if you are paying more in student loans than you do for your house.

    What this will accomplish is force newly rich people to stay in their class while the wealthy class people get no change at all since they don’t have a high salary. The wealthy stay wealthy while the poor have no chance to become wealthy, only merely rich.

  • I didn’t understand at all what this story is about. I read the story, though, and here is my best guess: Greek law says nobody can work more than 5 days/week and 40 hours/week. I am guessing that is to ensure companies hire enough people to do the work instead of relying on overtime (e.g. a company has 1640 hours of work in a week, so they can either hire 40 people who work 41 hours, 1 of which is paid, or 41 people who work 40 hours, which requires benefits/overhead for 1 more person on top of just hourly wage). That spreads out the hiring and gets more people employed. The issue they are seeing is unpaid overtime at places that are open 24 hours and 7 days a week when there are surges. This law allows exceptions in certain circumstances and requires that overtime work to be paid. The concern is that companies will always say there are exceptional circumstances and rely on overtime, meaning fewer jobs will be created.

  • I fucking guarantee every single one of the locals out there spraying people and yelling at tourists has been a tourist at some point in their life. Even if it was for a day trip to Madrid or Valencia or Bilbao, they were tourists who didn’t deserve to be attacked just for seeing some place new. They are just hateful hypocrites who like annoying people for fun.

    They have a legitimate concern with housing prices and how the government has allowed (until recently) Airbnb to drive up their housing costs. But the tourists aren’t the problem. And if they want to get rid of all tourists, let them A) find out how much their economy relies on tourism, and B) never be allowed to leave their city again.